GRK 2162:
Neurodevelopment and Vulnerability of the Central Nervous System
Subject Area
from 2016 to 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 270949263
In recent years, multiple lines of evidence have led to the new concept that perturbation ofneurodevelopmental processes constitutes an important determinant for the pathogenesis ofand vulnerability to adult-onset neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Thepathophysiological mechanisms by which disruption of neurodevelopmental processes resultsin disorders of the adult CNS remain largely unknown. The RTG 2162 bundles the expertiseof basic and clinical neuroscientists in the genetics, molecular, cellular, and systems biologyof neurodevelopment and the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric and degenerative disordersto provide a unique and innovative research and training programme that addresses the following key questions: i) What is the overlap in pathophysiology and genetics between neurodevelopmental and adult-onset CNS disorders? ii) What is the function ofneuropsychiatric and -degenerative disease genes during development? iii) What is the impactof developmental processes on vulnerability to disease-precipitating insults in later life?Researchers apply a broad range of methods, spanning modelling of (patho)biologicalprocesses using small animal models and human pluripotent stem cell-derived models, andanalysis adopting state-of-the-art approaches in molecular, developmental & cell biology,biochemistry, genomics, imaging, electrophysiology and mechanobiology. The conceptual linkbetween research questions and the diversity of approaches offer many opportunities for livelyexchange and collaborations between researchers. A mentoring committee, whose membershold complementary expertise, accompanies researchers throughout their doctoral projects.The curriculum familiarizes the fellows with new scientific concepts, methods, and soft skillsand enables early exposure to the international science community. A key element of thetraining concept is the integrated education of PhD-, MD-doctoral fellows and physicianscientists,to expose fellows to the translational aspects of their research early in their career.In summary, the RTG 2162 will provide intensive training in an innovative field at the interfaceof basic and translational neuroscience. Scientifically, the RTG 2162 will generate new insightinto the impact of development on neuropsychiatric and -degenerative disorders, therebyfurthering our understanding of the etiology of neurological and mental diseases.
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups