A framework for collaboration-sensitive Design of Tangible Interaction
Fachliche Zuordnung
Theoretische Informatik
Förderung von 2006 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 27091135
Tangible User Interfaces and more generally, Tangible Interaction, have developed into a new research area within computer interface design, embedding computing in the real world. This approach enables users to control and interact with computers through tangible devices and full-body interaction. Basic research up to now has focused on proofs-of-concept, with many interesting explorations of technical options and application areas, while little principled work and theory development has taken place. This project aims to develop a conceptual understanding of the user interaction and a principled approach for design that addresses the broader interactional context. The proposed project will practically apply, assess, validate, refine, extend, and disseminate a framework for collaboration-sensitive design of tangible interaction. The framework supports assessment as well as design and is grounded in previous theoretical and empirical work of the applicant. Its application was up to now limited to a few domains and predominantly post-hoc analysis. The project will apply the framework in a number of system analysis, field studies and in design projects, spanning a wide range of collaborative situations and application contexts, exploring its practical utility, evolving and communicating it to the research community. To achieve scale and diversity, multiple engagements with international collaborators will take place. By applying the framework to a range of examples and communicating it to system designers, a methodical approach that guides its usage will be derived.
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