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Microbial processes in the deep biosphere of the CO2-dominated active fault zone in NW Bohemia

Applicant Dr. Mashal Alawi
Subject Area Palaeontology
Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology
Term from 2015 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 270823413
Microorganisms are found in sediment depth from more than 3.5 km with temperatures higher than 100°C. Microbial processes in the so-called Deep Biosphere and the link to geological processes are not well understood. Major limiting factors for microbial growth in the deep subsurface are temperature, pH, redox potential, gas concentration, water and substrate availability. We hypothesize that in active fault zones, due to an intensified substrate support, microbial processes are significantly accelerated compared to other continental Deep Biosphere ecosystems. Therefore active fault zones could be seen as Hot Spots of microbial life in the deep subsurface. As a pre-examination study to the planned deep ICDP-drilling campaign (PIER-ICDP, Probing of Intra-continental magmatic activity: drilling the Eger Rift) a first drilling in the proximity down to a depth of 100 m is planned for August 2015. The aim of the study is to get first insights into the microbial community structure in CO2 conduits of the rift zone by applying modern high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques and geochemical analysis. The outcome of the study will expand our knowledge on the Deep Biosphere in seismically and fluid-active faults and help to adapt the spectrum of methods for the planned ICDP-drilling. The financial resources needed for the drilling as well as all experimental work will be provided by the GFZ Potsdam.
DFG Programme Infrastructure Priority Programmes

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