Polaritonenbasierte Einzelphotonenquellen
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2015 bis 2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 270542009
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The project addressed one of the most central complications for the development of solid-state quantum light sources: The difficulty to in controlling quantum emitters embedded in solid state structures. Together with our project partners in Innsbruck and Zürich, we studied two alternative schemes, relying on interaction and quantum interference in strongly coupled light-matter systems: The conventional- as well as the unconventional polariton blockade. As the blockade mechanism do not rely on quantum emitters, they are intrinsically more scalable, and meet the requirement for on-chip integration.
In Würzburg, within this project, we could significantly advance the epitaxial development of highest quality microcavity heterostructures with integrated quantum wells. As a result of this technological advancement, the project partner in Zürich successfully demonstrated the regime of the conventional polariton blockade in a quantum optical experiment.
Furthermore, the technological, monolithic platforms for tight polartion trapping- as well as controlled coupling of polariton resonances was brought forward. The specifically engineered, record linewidth samples were provided to the project partner in Innsbruck, where further optical studies devoted to the exploration of the unconventional polariton blockade, are currently conducted.
In addition, in Würzburg, as well as in a collaboration with our external partner in Berlin, we could scrutinize the quantum behavior of trapped polaritons in the non-linear, condensed regime, signifying a clear cut transition from a thermal to a coherent state.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2017. Polariton condensation in S-and P- flatbands in a two-dimensional Lieb lattice. Applied Physics Letters, 111(23), p. 231102
Klembt, S., Harder, T.H., Egorov, O.A., Winkler, K., Suchomel, H., Beierlein, J., Emmerling, M., Schneider, C. and Höfling, S.
2017. „Electrical and optical switching in the bistable regime of an electrically injected polariton laser”. Physical Review B, 96(4), p. 041301
Klaas, M., Sigurdsson, H., Liew, T.C.H., Klembt, S., Amthor, M., Hartmann, F., Worschech, L., Schneider, C. and Höfling, S.
"Evolution of temporal coherence in confined exciton-polariton condensates." Physical review letters 120, no. 1 (2018): 017401
Klaas, M., H. Flayac, M. Amthor, I. G. Savenko, S. Brodbeck, Tapio Ala-Nissila, S. Klembt, C. Schneider, and Sven Höfling
"Platform for electrically pumped polariton simulators and topological lasers." Physical review letters 121, no. 25 (2018): 257402
Suchomel, Holger, Sebastian Klembt, Tristan H. Harder, Martin Klaas, Oleg A. Egorov, Karol Winkler, Monika Emmerling, Ronny Thomale, Sven Höfling, and Christian Schneider
2018. „Photon-number-resolved measurement of an exciton-polariton condensate.” Physical review letters, 121(4), p. 047401
Klaas, M., Schlottmann, E., Flayac, H., Laussy, F.P., Gericke, F., Schmidt, M., Helversen, M.V., Beyer, J., Brodbeck, S., Suchomel, H. and Höfling, S., Reitzenstein, S. and Schneider, C.
2018. „Signatures of a dissipative phase transition in photon correlation measurements.” Nature Physics, 14(4), p. 365
Fink, T., Schade, A., Höfling, S., Schneider, C. and Imamoglu, A.
„High quality factor GaAs microcavities with buried bulls-eye defects“ Phys. Rev. Mater. 2, 052201 (2018)
K. Winkler, N. Gregersen, T. Häyrynen, B. Bradel, A. Schade, M. Emmerling, M. Kamp, S. Höfling and C. Schneider
2019. “Nonresonant spin selection methods and polarization control in exciton-polariton condensates.” Physical Review B, 99(11), p. 115303
Klaas, M., Egorov, O.A., Liew, T.C.H., Nalitov, A., Marković, V., Suchomel, H., Harder, T.H., Betzold, S., Ostrovskaya, E.A., Kavokin, A. and Klembt, S.
2019. „Towards polariton blockade of confined exciton–polaritons. “ Nature materials, 18(3), p. 219
Delteil, A., Fink, T., Schade, A., Höfling, S., Schneider, C. and İmamoğlu, A.
Internationaler Bezug
Österreich, Schweiz