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Intraoperative imaging for detection and therapy of microscopic lesions of peritoneal disease in a murine ovarian cancer model with novel SERRS nanostars

Subject Area Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Term from 2015 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 270452585
In the second year of the DFG research fellowship at MSKCC I will continue my work on Raman Imaging of SERRS nanoparticles (NPs). Due to the broad spectrum of possible applications of this imaging technique I will be working on three major projects:1. Improving the delineation of malignant lesions in a murine ovarian cancer model via intraperitoneal injection of targeted NPs. The untargeted approach as well as targeting with folic-acid-functionalized NPs has shown high sensitivity but low specificity with false positive signal when injected intraperitoneally. This will be improved by functionalizing the NPs with anti-Folate-Receptor antibodies.2. Labeling of several subsets of T cells for in vivo tracking in a malignant melanoma mouse model and by that improving the longitudinal assessment of tumor infiltration and persistence of transferred T cells, which up till now can only be achieved via Bioluminescence-Imaging (BLI). In contrast to BLI, Raman Imaging facilitates multiplexing (simultaneous detection of multiple cell lines with different Raman-reporter-dyes) and is transferable into patients in future clinical trials.3. Combining the high specificity and sensitivity of SERRS NPs and their excellent tumor margin delineation capacities after IV injection with the concept of neoadjuvant treatment. NPs are functionalized with an anti-CD47 antibody for immunomodulation of macrophage response. This single theranostic agent could be applied for preoperative imaging, down staging for improvement of resectability and intraoperative guidance.
DFG Programme Research Fellowships
International Connection USA

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