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GRK 2153:  Energy Status Data - Informatics Methods for its Collextion, Analysis and Exploitation

Subject Area Computer Science
Term from 2016 to 2025
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 270362368
The design of future energy systems which can cope with fluctuating supply and flexible demand serves public interest, and respective research is indispensable. An essential aspect is the consumption of energy, of complex systems such as factories and IT infrastructures in particular. Other important objectives are the flexibilization of energy consumption, so that the share of locally generated ‘green’ energy increases, the robustness of energy provisioning, and the efficient design of new energy systems serving these purposes. To accomplish this, a prerequisite is a structured capture, storage and analysis of energy status data. Such data describes the provisioning of energy, its storage, transmission and consumption, be it measured data, be it metadata such as the fatigue of batteries, be it other relevant data such as electricity rates. This graduate school targets at the collection, analysis and deployment of such data. To this end, an interdisciplinary approach (computer science, engineering, economics, law) is indispensable. It reveals new scientific challenges we will confront Ph.D. students with as part of their education. An example is that reduced power quality manifests itself in high-resolution voltage data, but current query languages for time-series data are not ideally suited to search for such phenomena. Here, computer-science researchers need help from engineers to assess the appropriateness and the generality of respective proposals. Another example is to use market-transaction data to search for potentially peculiar behavior of participants in energy markets who make use of their market power, but do not act illegally. This calls for cooperation between economists and computer scientists. In the second funding period, we want to pay more attention to the collection of energy-status data, to ensure that data-analysis methods are even more tailored to the needs of experts for the energy systems domain, and devote more effort to the robustness of energy systems.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

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