GRK 52:  Quantum Field Theory: Mathematical Structure and Applications to Elementary Particle and Solid State Physics

Subject Area Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 1995 to 2004
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 269303

Project Description

The aim of the research training group is to pass on to further generations the scientific competence, grown in Leipzig's traditional interplay of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, on Quantum Field Theory which has become an important subject of modern Physics.There are three domains of research:I) Mathematical Structure of Quantum Field Theory (fundamentals of general concepts and development of physically relevant methods from Differential Geometry, Algebra, Non-commutative Geometry, Quantum Groups, and Operator Algebras).II A) Quantum Field Theory of Elementary Particle Physics (fundamental particles and interactions including gravitation, the Standard Model and its supersymmetric extensions, its phenomenological aspects and lattice approximations, and external classical field configurations).II B) Quantum Field Theory of Solids (solids, special many-particles systems and aspects of quantum statistics, high temperature superconduction, strongly correlated electron systems and quantum magnets, phase transitions and finite size effects).The junior scientists are qualified beyond their narrow research topic in the entire field of Quantum Field Theory, especially to its mathematical and physical methods and its applications. In particular, the interrelation between mathematical basic research and progress in physical methods as well as between relativistic, non-relativistic and computer-oriented Quantum Field Theory is of great importance.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Universität Leipzig
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Bodo Geyer
Participating Researchers Professor Dr. Ulrich Behn; Privatdozent Dr. Michael Bordag; Professor Dr. Dieter Ihle; Professor Dr. Wolfhard Janke; Privatdozent Dr. Roland Kirschner; Professor Dr. Klaus-Detlef Kürsten; Professor Dr. Gerd Rudolph; Privatdozent Dr. Arwed Schiller; Professor Dr. Konrad Schmüdgen; Professor Dr. Klaus Sibold; Professor Dr. Manfred Wollenberg; Professor Dr. Eberhard Zeidler (†)