The seed of this application has been established with the Center of Integrative Neurosciences (CIN) DFG excellence cluster application in 2008, which is since 2013 in his second founding period. With CIN and the support of the Medical Faculty of Tübingen, several new research groups and professorships with distinguished research focus in various fields of neurosciences as well as basic MR-Physics research have been established during the last years, in addition to the already existing and established research groups located in Neurology, Medical Psychology and Psychiatry. For most of these researchers magnetic resonance is a key technology to assess brain function, brain morphology and brain metabolism, and to develop novel methods to refine this technique. We therefor ask for a state-of the-art 3T MR-system with high gradient performance to feed this increased demand for neuroscientific applications and the development of novel fast and reliable acquisition techniques.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
3 T Hochfeld-MR für die Forschung
Instrumentation Group
3231 MR-Tomographie-Systeme