Functional impact of transmembrane domain and turret on potassium channel gating
Final Report Abstract
The project has produced interesting results regarding: a) A so far unknown mechanism for a cytosolic gate in K+ channels that particularly stands out because of its unusual simplicity. b) A novel concept of regulation of gating by voltage. In the absence of a dedicated voltage-sensor domain, the extracellular turret is apparently able to confer voltagesensitivity. c) The possibility to determined site-specific ion occupation in the pore from electrophysiological data, which enabled the distinction of several candidate permeation models from MD simulations and the identification of a distinct sensor binding site in the selectivity filter. Additionally, the project generated incentive for new projects regarding the role of inner-helical hydrogen bonds for channel gating and the mechanisms of selectivity filter gating.
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2017. Identification of intra-helical bifurcated H-bonds as a new type of gate in K+ channels. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139: 7494–7503
Rauh, O., M. Urban, L.M. Henkes, T. Winterstein, T. Greiner, J.L. Van Etten, A. Moroni, S.M. Kast, G. Thiel, and I. Schroeder
2018. Molecular explanations for gating in simple model K+ channels. PhD thesis, Tech. Univ. Darmstadt
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2018. Reconstitution and functional characterization of ion channels from nanodiscs in lipid bilayers. J. Gen. Physiol. 150: 637–646
Winterstein, L.-M., K. Kukovetz, O. Rauh, D.L. Turman, C.J. Braun, A. Moroni, I. Schroeder, and G. Thiel
2018. Single-channel recordings of RyR1 at microsecond resolution in CMOS-suspended membranes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 115: E1789–E1798
Hartel, A.J.W., P. Ong, I. Schroeder, M.H. Giese, S. Shekar, O.B. Clarke, R. Zalk, A.R. Marks, W.A. Hendrickson, and K.L. Shepard
2018. Site-specific ion occupation in the selectivity filter causes voltage-dependent gating in a viral K+ channel. Sci. Rep. 8: 10406
Rauh, O., U.P. Hansen, D.D. Scheub, G. Thiel, and I. Schroeder
2019. High bandwidth approaches in nanopore and ion channel recordings - A tutorial review. Anal. Chim. Acta. 1061: 13–27
Andreas Hartel, S. Shekar, P. Ong, I. Schroeder, G. Thiel, and K.L. Shepard