Project Details
Neuromodulation of Cognitive Monitoring across Adult Development: A Genomic Imaging Project
Professorin Shu-Chen Li, Ph.D.
Subject Area
General, Cognitive and Mathematical Psychology
from 2006 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 26108797
Within the larger context of the research group on conflict as a processing signal in cognitive and neurocognitive systems, the main goal of this proposed sub-project (Teilprojekt) is to investigate lifespan developmental changes in the functions and mechanisms of conflict monitoring at behavioral and neuronal levels, using experimental and neurocomputational approaches. We will investigate conflict-monitoring mechanisms in children, teenagers, young adults, and older adults at two levels of analysis. At the more macroscopic, functional level, we will investigate lifespan age differences in signaling, monitoring, and evaluating conflicts arising from discrepancies between available processing resources and task demands. At the more microscopic, mechanistic level, we will examine lifespan age differences in three specific and well-researched aspects of processing conflict, that is, response conflict, overriding conflict, and reward outcome conflict. Computational models will be developed to explore the relations between lifespan changes in various aspects of neuromodulation and conflict monitoring mechanisms.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Subproject of
FOR 778:
Conflicts as Signals in Cognitive Systems
Participating Persons
Professor Dr. Hauke Heekeren; Professor Ulman Lindenberger, Ph.D.