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Mindanao Eddy, Halmahera Eddy: Variability of West Pacific Warm Pool and Indonesian Throughflow (inflow passages and main gateway)

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2006 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 26477151
Final Report Year 2011

Final Report Abstract

Paleoproductivity, SST and thermocline temperature reconstructions within the main inflow path of the ITF in the equatorial West Pacific Ocean reveal considerable glacialinterglacial as well as sub-orbital variability over the last 160 kyr. Enhanced surface productivity, unusually low SST, low thermal gradient within the upper water column in Core MD06-3067 (6°31 N, 126°30 E, 1575 m water depth) provide evidence for periodic upwelling during MIS 2 and MIS 3. Increased glacial upwelling of the Mindanao Dome promoted inflow of cooler, nutrient-enriched waters with reduced vertical stratification. Thus during glacials, the ITF acted as a more direct conduit of Pacific surface and thermocline waters and provided a major channel for nutrient export from the Pacific to Indian Ocean, especially because the South China Sea was disconnected from the ITF. During Heinrich events, sea surface warming mark periodic collapses of the Mindanao Dome upwelling. We attribute rapid SST changes during MIS 2 and MIS 3 to changes in the ENSO state and associated latitudinal shifts in the ITCZ position that affected boreal winter monsoonal winds and upper ocean circulation patterns. Our results indicate that La Niña conditions prevailed during the LGM, whereas an El Niño mode dominated during Heinrich events. XRF-scanning derived Fe, Ti, K and Al concentrations and the sedimentary concentration of magnetic particles, interpreted to reflect past changes in runoff from Mindanao, indicate weakened summer monsoon precipitation in the equatorial West Pacific during northern hemisphere insolation maxima. Benthic stable isotope data from Cores MD06-3067 and MD06-3075 indicate long-term influence of mid-depth water originating from the Southern Ocean, interrupted by abrupt incursions of 13C-depleted water masses originating from the North Pacific during Terminations I and II. These sudden shifts in intermediate and deep circulation close to Mindanao indicate major reorganization in the penetration of mid-depth water masses within the entire West Pacific during glacial-interglacial climatic transitions.


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