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GRK 2123:  Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple-Use Landscapes of Central Europe (ConFoBi)

Subject Area Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
Plant Sciences
Term from 2016 to 2025
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 264624693
The RTG ConFoBi of the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg (ALU) will continue its inter-disciplinary research and qualification programme which combines multi-scale ecological stud-ies on biodiversity with socio-economic studies of biodiversity conservation. The added value of ConFoBi’s integrative approach is underpinned by a translational setup, oriented at maintaining a lively exchange of expertise between research and forestry and conservation practice.ConFoBi focuses on the effectiveness of structural retention measures, namely habitat trees and dead wood, for biodiversity conservation in continuous-cover production forests of Central Europe, and identifies how conservation can effectively be integrated with other forest uses. The research programme comprises four modules: A is providing tools for Multi-Scale Assessment of Structures from microhabitats to landscapes; B focuses on linkages between Structures and Forest Biodiversity along gradients of forest structure and connectivity; C uses social science and economic approaches to assess the Human Dimensions of Forest Biodiversity; D addresses the interface between science and society to study and foster Integration and Translation between ConFoBi and practitioners. The first cohort of doctoral researchers focused on linking patterns in biodiversity to forest and landscape structure (A and B projects), and on knowledge underlying biodiversity conservation (C and D projects). On this basis, cohorts two and three are proceeding to address ecological functions and processes explaining the patterns observed (A, B), and the actions applied and their impacts (C, D). Results of all projects will contribute to identification of multi-taxon targets (A, B) for retention at multiple spatial scales, and of ways to integrate such targets into management (C, D). ConFoBi’s research process will culminate in an interdisciplinary synthesis of insights for both science and practice.ConFoBi’s qualification programme aims at 1) advancing the doctoral researchers’ professional independence, 2) developing their inter- and transdisciplinary competence, 3) qualification for leadership roles in and outside academia, and at 4) providing an international network of peers and partners. Key elements include courses, symposia, lab visits abroad, and conference participation. At ALU, ConFoBi is provided with an excellent environment in structure and content, and has become a cornerstone of the university-wide profiles “Environment and Sustainability” and “Complexity of Nature and future Ecosystems”. The qualification programme, close collaboration among PIs, an international network and support through ALU´s central institutions guarantee that ConFoBi graduates obtain scientific independence early in their career.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

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