The aim of this project is the determination of design and process guidelines for FDM-structures, which are aligned for specific load cases and shall be used for a partial reinforcement of lightweight parts. According to the design of the reinforcement structure a targeted increase of the strength and the stiffness shall be achieved, with the lowest weight possible for the lightweight application. In addition to the adjustment for specific load cases of the inner part structure of the FDM-part by using different parameters for the layer generation, the design of the FDM-part shall be varied.The analysis of the strength properties shall take place by means of different mechanical tests (tensile, compression, flexural, impact, etc.), so that the respective strength and stiffness for different load cases can be determined for the present inner part structure of the FDM-part. As a result a set-up of specific load design and process guidelines for the FDM-structured will be made. Additionally a modeling of the strengths according to the respective inner part structure of the FDM-parts will take place. This modeling shall be used as a support for the strength analysis against the present load cases.At last the set-up design and process guidelines will be verified on a real lightweight part. For this a hybrid component consisting of two different polymers shall be produced, so that the FDM-structure can be used as a partial reinforcement. As a real component a GITBlow part will be used, whereat the thinner material area is reinforced. For that hybrid component different mechanical tests will be made.
DFG Programme
Research Grants