Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2014 bis 2020
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 174776315
In the first phase, the project has promoted one Post-Doc researcher as Principal Investigator of an own subproject (P9) and 10 young researchers as PhD students in subprojects P1–P8 . At each of the institutions involved, young researchers were able to benefit from an integration in the graduate schools for doctoral studies (Aachen, Berlin, Ilmenau) and from a variety of programs for competences in fields such as project management, languages and presentation. In Berlin, the TU-DOC Office has introduced new doctoral candidates to the university’s working environment and provided information regarding services and professional skills, financial support, gender equality and international aspects. Candidates were provided with a qualification toolbox summarizing academic and professional apects important for doctoral work. Also, the budget to increase career qualifications for female researchers and to create a family-friendly workplace by covering child care expenses has been actively used by several young researchers (male and female) during the first phase. It has been greatly appreciated as a support for combining family life and research, in particular when attending meetings, colloquia and conferences extending the regular day care hours. Therefore, the consortium will apply for the Module “Gender Equality Measures in Research Networks” and the Module “Start-Up Funding” for the second phase of the project.