The study will add an educational research perspective to the interdisciplinary field of research on transnational families. By focussing on educational careers, strategies and experiences of transnational families, the study will introduce a research perspective which has been neglected up to now. We will explore interconnections between spatial and social mo-bility by analysing educational careers of transnational children (Gardner 2012) in families between Brazil and Europe. The frame of analysis will take into account the impact of class on educational strategies, as well as the interaction of class with gender and racialisation processes in educational contexts. Based on the methodology of multi-sited-ethnography and ethnographical field research, transnational careers will be reconstructed from the perspectives of different family members as well as representatives of educational institutions and migrant associations. By exploring the effects of educational careers on processes of social positioning within transnational social fields, the study will contribute to the development of the theoretic concept of transnational educational spaces.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Brazil, Netherlands