SCoPE - Intelligente Bauteile in intelligenten Produktionsprozessen und -umgebungen Antrag im Rahmen der BRAGECRIM Initiative hier: Bewilligungszeitraum 8/2016 -7/2018

Antragsteller Professor Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl
Fachliche Zuordnung Produktionssystematik, Betriebswissenschaften, Qualitätsmanagement und Fabrikplanung
Konstruktion, Maschinenelemente, Produktentwicklung
Förderung Förderung von 2014 bis 2021
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 262397873


Erstellungsjahr 2020

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The second phase of project SCoPE is highlighted by the advancements in the project’s initial objectives. After being successful in transforming components into information carries within production processes and environments through integrated component data models, the project moved forward in the direction of enabling such components to communicate within smart assembly processes based on the mapping of the interaction between components, resources and one another along the process. The developed concept of smart assemblies proposed that a master component shall carry the information about the assembly and the components, creating a new assembly flow and thus allowing easier and faster customization of the product. Therefore, the newly created assembly flow is conducted by the master component, which addresses other components and resources of the process. Digital twins also became a topic of interest given the project’s expanded goals. Taking a bending beam test bench as demonstrator, its digital twin was successfully implemented. Considering the digital twin is an instance of the 3D CAD geometry model, which is based on the characteristics, conditions and behavior of the associate physical twin, and on data connection between them, the digital twin was successful in gathering data about motion sequences, joint positions and collision areas under the consideration of the physical constraints of its physical twin, making such information available at any time throughout the lifecycle. In addition, the data models and algorithms created to allow the seamless information flow between the bending beam and its digital counterpart provide foundation for the creation of other, more complex digital twin-systems. By utilizing the knowledge produced during the project as ground research for future applications, future digital twin-systems can be designed and implemented for production and assembly processes or entire production facilities. Project SCoPE demonstrates the successful results and knowledge dissemination of continuous research, in addition to the relevance of international research initiatives. In the four years of duration of the project, the researchers and students involved produced more than 60 publications, including books and book chapters, papers in conference proceedings and in renowned journals. Several speeches and lectures were also presented by the project coordinators, in both academic and industrial environments, proving the scientific and practical applications of its findings. The project was also marked by the intense exchange of personnel between the Brazilian and German partner universities, guaranteeing an important flow of information and knowledge. Project SCoPe, therefore, ends having achieved its goals and contributed to the production of practical knowledge, in addition to the formation of qualified researchers.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

DFG-Verfahren Sachbeihilfen
Internationaler Bezug Brasilien
Kooperationspartner Professor Dr.-Ing. Klaus Schützer