Analysis of a network model for inter-leg coordination in multi-legged locomotion
Final Report Abstract
In the research on terrestrial locomotion it is of fundamental importance to understand the neural control of the movements of individual legs and the coordination between the different legs. This problem can be studied in insects (e.g. the stick insect) much more easily than in vertebrates. Results from insects indicate the existence of weak neural connections between the rhythm generating units (CPGs), which periodically drive the individual legs. These connections are enhanced by local sensory feedback signals, like mechanical load signals from the legs. They are crucial for the coordination of the movements of the individual legs. In the past, my group and I had constructed mathematical models using some of these results and principles. Starting from these models we set out to answer specific questions on the neural processes that underlie the coordination between segmental CPGs in multi-legged animals during locomotion. (1) We found that neural circuits between CPGs are coupled in a ring-like structure with no cross-connections being present. In addition, a long-range modulatory influence from the hind leg to the CPG driving the front leg was discovered. We further emphasized that excitatory connections play a more important role in interleg coordination than inhibitory ones. (2) We found that proprioceptive feedback affects motor patterns in a very specific way. Decoupling of the front or the hind leg from the locomotor system and thereby the missing sensory feedback from these legs, did - in contrast to the decoupling of the middle legs - not lead to the disruption of coordinated locomotion of the remaining legs. Our model suggests possible mechanisms that might underlie these changes if a leg is lost or if a front leg is decoupled from the rest of the locomotor system due to the performance of a search movement. (3) We developed a six‐leg model of stick‐insect walking. Our main goal was to prove that the same model can mimic a variety of walking‐related behavioral modes, as well as the most common coordination patterns of walking just by changing the values of a few input or internal variables. As a result, the model can reproduce the basic coordination patterns of walking: tetrapod and tripod and the transition between them as walking speed changes. It can also mimic stop and restart, change from forward‐to‐backward walking and back. Finally, it can exhibit search movements of the front legs both while walking or standing still. The mechanisms of the model that enable it to produce the aforementioned behavioral modes can hint at and prove helpful in uncovering further details of the biological mechanisms underlying walking. Last, but not least, we showed that our detailed network model as well as its phase-reduced version are generalizable to other insect types and animals with more than 6 legs.
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