Antarctic soils are ideal places to study particular features of soil microalgae and cyanobacteria left unexplored so far. These include inferring pioneer species at the colonization of young soils poor in nutrients and the development of soil microalgal communities without anthropogenic influence and that of vascular plant cover under harsh environmental conditions. The central research question of the project is to test for possible correlations of changes in algal/cyanobacteria soil communities with various developmental stages of soil, at different stages of (biogenic) weathering as well as a of a range of abiotic soil variables. The analyses will clarify the role of microalgae and cyanobacteria in the fueling of young soils with energy for biogenic weathering processes as well as their contribution to geochemical cycles. Finally, the analyses will allow inferring possible functional/ecophysiological traits of Antarctic soil algae. It will also be investigated whether the geographical remoteness of Antarctica and its particular harsh environmental conditions allowed for the development of particularly adapted Antarctic soil algal populations distinct at the genotypic level from their counterparts of temperate regions. Soil samples along chronosequences from Antarctic glacier forefields (Maritime Antarctica and East Antarctica Continent), but also the dryer Polygon soils (Coal Nunatak) will be investigated. They will be provided and their abiotic variables determined through collaborations within the SPP 1158. Our preliminary results already showed the presence of Chlorophyta, Klebsormidium and Xanthophyceae at different soil developmental stages along two glacier forefield chronosequences using culture-independent group-specific PCR amplification and sequencing.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
International Connection