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Patterns of Hierarchical Molecular Self-Assemblies 2

Subject Area Preparatory and Physical Chemistry of Polymers
Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
Term from 2014 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 258513149
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

This Project unraveled how small molecules, such as semifluorinatedalkanes, self-organize and form hierarchical structures, ranging over several orders of lengthscales from short-range intermolecular correlation (~ Å), formation of highly uniform nanodomains (~ 10 nm), to long-range correlation over ~ 1 µm. To precisely determine the shape, size and correlation of such self-assembled nanostructures, we employed grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GTSAXS). One of our unique achievements is to fully calculate the form factor F(q) arid the structure factor S(q) of the scattering signal collected by a two-dimensional detector. This enables us to precisely determine how subtle changes in molecular structures influence the individual domains as well as their collective behavior. In addition to the structural characterization, we quantitatively determined the mechanical properties of such self-organized nanodomains as a function of molecular structures. Here, we found that self-organized nanodomains of semifluorinatedalkanes could form two-dimensional physical gels even at zero surface pressures. This is clearly different from commonly used surfactants and polymers, which form gels only uder high compressions. Intringuingly, the selforganized nanodomains also exhibited a very prominent nonlinear viscoelasticity, suggesting that the unique properties of small molecules, such as weak cohesion and dipole repulsion, results in highly unique material properties. Finally, we modeled how the control of self-organization can potentially be used to fme-adjust the stability of microbubbles used in ultrasound image diagnostics. The obtained results have demonstrated that the precise quantification of structure-mechanics relationships as a function of molecular structures allows for the rational design of small molecules with optimal functions by tailoring their self-organizing capability.



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