Archivische Findmittel und Quellen: Retrokonversion von Findmitteln des Bundesarchivs

Applicant Dr. Michael Hollmann
Subject Area Modern and Contemporary History
Economic Policy, Applied Economics
Term from 2014 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 258036117

Project Description

In this project the Federal Archives plans to digitise the finding aids for the fonds R 3002 Reichsgericht (Teil Zivilsenate), R 89 Reichsversicherungsamt, R 2501 Reichsbank and R 4702 Reichspostamt. These fonds are of great significance to the research of the history of law and economics during the time of the German Empire. Our goal is to publish these finding aids in the future online-research-system of the Federal Archives called BASYS 2-Invenio online ( and in national and European research portals, for example the Archives Portal Europe (, the DDB (Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, and the future Archives Portal D, to create wider access to these descriptions. Particularly the accesssability of the fonds R 3002 Reichsgericht (Teil Zivilsenate) would improve because until now researchers have to fall back on handwritten lists contained in the archival records.The publishing will also optimize the possibilities for researchers to prepare for visits in the Federal Archives and thereby reduce their expenses and efforts
DFG Programme Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Participating Persons Dr. Sebastian Barteleit; Kristina John