SPP 1267:
Sphingolipids - Signal and Disease
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2007 bis 2016
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 25760443
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Until the late 1980s, sphingolipids were believed to be structural components of the cell membrane that were not important for signal transduction. This view has changed completely within recent years, and it has now been established that sphingolipids are essential regulators of many fundamental cellular processes, such as proliferation, survival, cell death, adhesion, migration, angiogenesis, and embryogenesis. The aims of the project were, 1) to study the regulation and function of sphingolipids by identifying and characterizing receptors and novel signaling pathways that mediate cellular effects of sphingolipids; 2) to focus on the role of sphingolipids in diseases, in particular diseases of the cardio-renovascular system, neuropsychiatric diseases, inflammatory and infectious diseases, and autoimmune disorders; and, 3) to transfer these insights into new treatment approaches. These aims were achieved, several novel discoveries were made and published in a total of 116 publications, several international meetings were organized and established and young scientists were promoted. In summary, the project clearly established and promoted the field of Biomedicine of Sphingolipids in Germany, provided scientific excellence and was instrumental to establish an internationally well-recognized and leading position of German groups in the field of the "Biomedicine of Sphingolipids". Novel discoveries were in particular made in the fields of analysis of sphingolipids, signaling of sphingolipids, regulation of sphingolipid metabolism, cardiovascular effects of sphingolipids, functions of sphingolipids in neuropsychiatric diseases, metabolic disorders, the immune system and infections.
Internationaler Bezug
Acid Sphingomyelinase Inhibition protects against experimental Multiple Sclerosis: mechanisms and translation to therapy
Fassbender, Klaus
Central service project - Analysis and Synthesis of sphingolipids
Kleuser, Burkhard
Ceramide kinase and its contribution to inflammatory and proliferative kidney diseases
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Huwiler, Andrea
Pfeilschifter, Josef M.
Coordination project: Sphingolipids - Signals and Disease
Gulbins, Erich
Dual role of plasma secreted sphingomyelinase activity during sepsis and development of organ failure
Claus, Ph.D., Ralf
Functional interactions between the activated coagulation factor-X (FXa) and sphingosine-1-phosphate in vascular smooth muscle cells
Rauch, Bernhard Hermann
Induction of plasma membrane ceramides in T cells and their role in functional paralysis
Schneider-Schaulies, Sibylle
Modulation of innate and adaptive immunity by sphingosylphosphorylcholine
Gräler, Markus
Novel inhibitors of neutral and acid ceramidases and their application in experimental therapies of inflammatory and proliferative kidney diseases
Arenz, Christoph
Regulation of pulmonary inflammation in cystic fibrosis by ceramide
Gulbins, Erich
Regulation of vascular permeability by sphingolipids
Kübler, Wolfgang
Uhlig, Stefan
Role of sphingosine kinase and sphingolipids in phagosome biology relevant for pathogenic mycobacteria infection in macrophages
Griffiths, Ph.D., Gareth
Role of the Alzheimer's Disease Enzymes and Proteins in Sphingolipid and Glycosphingolipid Homeostasis
Hartmann, Tobias
Roles of endosomal lipid sorting in membrane degradation
Sandhoff, Konrad
Sphingosine-1-phosphate and Alzheimer's disease
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
van Echten-Deckert, Ph.D., Gerhild
Walter, Ph.D., Jochen
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptors in Human B Cells: Expression, Role and Signaling
Eibel, Hermann
Sphingosylphosphorylcholine and its contribution to pathophysiological processes in the kidney
Pfeilschifter, Josef M.
Subcellular characterization and modulation of sphingolipid-metabolizing enzymes as key regulators of dendritic cell differentiation and their immune deviating function
Radeke, Heinfried H.
The acid sphingomyelinase/ceramide hypothesis of major depression
Gulbins, Erich
Kornhuber, Johannes
The relevance of sphingolipids in inflammatory cardiovascular disease: Signaling of S1P1 and S1P3 receptors
van der Giet, Markus
Kleuser, Burkhard
The role of HDL-bound and unbound S1P in human and mouse atherosclerosis
Levkau, Bodo
Topology, regulation and function of acid sphingomyelinase in death receptor signaling
Schütze, Stefan