The application of component integrated optical network structures has the potential to eliminate complex cable assemblies in the future. So far, the lack of robust field assembly technologies prohibited the wide application on large structural elements. Here, a robust optical coupling interface poses the particular challenge. This subproject aims at the development of concepts and technologies for this coupling issue. The main objective of the research project is the investigation of optical interconnection between the three-dimensional devices with integrated optical function (opto 3D-MID) and the optical bus network structure on an opto-mechatronic component, which enables a robust assembly process in the field. In order to optimize and accelerate the implementation of investigated optical coupling element, the design process will be supported by optical simulations. In the first period of the project, the optical passive-passive coupler will be realized on flexible substrates using UV-photolithography. This expertise will be transferred in the second phase for the implementation of optical coupling on waveguides fabricated using aerosol-jet printing.
DFG Programme
Research Units