Project Details
Employer and Worker Adjustments to Economic Shocks
Subject Area
Economic Policy, Applied Economics
from 2014 to 2020
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 256867396
The goal of this project is to contribute substantive new research enhancing our understanding of employer and worker adjustments to specific economic shocks, to shocks interactions and to shock propagation. For the first part of the project, we will use an exogenous, large, permanent and specific demand shock as a unique source of effect identification. We will analyze the consequences of this shock for employer entry, growth, decline and exit in local labor markets, as well as the consequences for job and worker reallocation. In the second part of the project, we will acknowledge that multiple shocks may interact and we will set out to study employer and worker adjustments to interacting shock. We will also investigate adjustments to shock transmission from directly affected industrial sectors to other industrial sectors within local labor markets, and into neighbouring markets. Overall, our research can substantially increase our understanding of shock-induced employer and worker adjustments, and knowledge of that kind is relevant to identifying and dealing with the complexities and challenges of labour markets in Germany, in particular, but also in Europe and worldwide.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes