Die Atomlagen-Thermosäule als Sensor für ein Oberflächenmessverfahren in der Strömungsmechanik
Final Report Abstract
Some of the key issues for the application of the Atomic Layer Thermopile (ALTP) heat flux gauge are addressed. First of all, the dynamic properties of the ALTP with respect to the optimization of its protective coating are studied by two different dynamic calibration procedures based on exposure to laser radiation and convection-dominated passing of a traveling shock wave. In addition, the results will be compared to theoretical estimations based on one-dimensional heat conduction. Furthermore, the capability of the ALTP to perform in partly or fully ionized plasmas was investigated in the test facility of an electric thruster. Finally, hypersonic boundary layer transition was studied in several facilities, showing the value of such a surface measurement technique with high temporal and spatial resolution provided by the ALTP. Experiments were carried out on fundamental models like flat plate and cone. The influence of acoustic noise on the transition scenario on the cone was studied in the Mach-6-Quiet tube of Purdue University. An array consisting of ALTP sensors was used for the first time to calculate growth rates of natural disturbances from quantitative spectral data. The results agreed well with rates measured with the same model in the Hypersonic Ludwieg Tube (HLB) / TU Braunschweig at least in the early stages of boundary layer (BL) transition. Hence, a general comparability of the transition research in both facilities could be shown. In addition, a staggered array of pressure and heat flux gauges was used to compare the growth rates from simultaneously measured pressure and heat flux spectra on a flat plate and cone. The results are in a good agreement with linear stability theory (LST) predictions.
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Timeresolved heat transfer measurements on the tip wall of a ribbed channel using a novel heat flux sensor - Part II: heat transfer results. J.Turbomachinery, Vol. 130, 2008
S. Jenkins, T. Roediger, H. Knauss, J. v. Wolfersdorf, U. Gaisbauer, and E. Kraemer