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Die Congregatio Victorina des Pariser Augustinerchorherren Johannes von Toulouse (+ 1659). Kritische Edition des Textes samt einer Studie zum Mittelalterbild eines frühneuzeitlichen Historikers

Subject Area Roman Catholic Theology
Medieval History
Term from 2014 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 256277815
The Victorine chronicler John of Toulouse (1590-1659) seems to be known, up to our times, only to specialists of the history of France, particularly of the history of Paris as well as that of the abbey of Saint-Victor. This canon who lived throughout the 17th century, did not only occupy a series of responsabilities within his home abbey. Furthermore, John of Toulouse left an important corpus of historiographical works. While finishing the first part of this project, that is to say the critical edition of Johns Commentaria rerum pene omnium in domo nostra Victorina, and after starting the edition of his Congregatio Victorina, we intend, during the second part of the research project which for we are applying hereby, to complete also this edition of Johns of Toulouse second early work.Once having completed the edition of the Congregatio Victorina, we want to dedicate a substantial historical study to John of Tolosanus works which we have edited within this project. Mainly we want to insist on the question of what may have been his concept of and his view on the Middle Ages insofar we can deduce this from his writings. Besides the Benedictine monk Jean Mabillon (+ 1713) John of Toulouse, a Canon regular, is supposed to be considered one of the leading figures of European historiography during the 17th century. This valuation, however, will become possible on the basis of our editions and through the planned monograph.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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