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Identification of tumor affine peptides in head and neck tumors by display techniques

Subject Area Pharmacy
Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy, Radiobiology
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 256151267
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

In conclusion, we successfully identified a novel stable av06 integrin-specific peptide with high affinity for a variety of HNSCC tumors and further carcinomas. We observed a strong accumulation of the SFTIGv6 peptide in different tumors, but not in inflammatory lesions and tumor-free healthy tissues of patients. Therefore, SFITGv6 represents a promising tracer for imaging and possibly therapy of several carcinomas expressing the av06 integrin. However, the theranostic application of SFITGv6 to avb6 integrin-positive tumor lesions below the diaphragm (e.g. pancreatic and ovarian cancer) requires the modulation and improvement of the pharmacokinetic properties of the peptide.



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