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Decoherence in Josephson qubits due to charge and spin fluctuators

Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems, Soft and Fluid Matter, Biological Physics
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 255576543
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The level of coherent control of quantum circuits in general and Josephson junctions in particular has advanced greatly in the last decade. Major sources of decoherence have been identified and suppressed by means of careful circuit engineering. As a consequence, the coherence times of Josephson quantum bits (qubits) reach routinely tens to even hundreds of microseconds. The remaining sources of noise are frequently related to defects in the materials used for the devices. The high-quality Josephson junction devices can be used to probe these properties. The theoretical investigation of some of these effects has been the main subject of the project. Specifically we investigated 6 subtopics. (i) We studied the properties of two-level systems (TLSs) in Josephson junctions and their signatures when probed by Josephson qubits. We collaborated with experimentalists who used Josephson qubits as probes of the defects. We provided a theoretical explanation of the observations based on the standard tunneling model, and identified the interaction with incoherent low-frequency (thermal) TLSs as the major mechanism of the pure dephasing of coherent high-frequency TLS. (ii) For the same experimental systems we studied the influence of non-equilibrium quasiparticles on the decoherence of the Josephson qubit and the TLSs. (iii) In a numerical simulation we studied the effects of paramagnetic spins on surfaces and interfaces. We found them to lead to 1/fα noise of the magnetic flux with an exponent slightly smaller than 1 and a magnitude as observed in SQUIDs and flux qubits. (iv) We developed a theoretical formalism for calculating the fluctuations of linear response coefficients, such as the inductance of SQUID loops, which was observed in experiments. (v) We analyzed the limitations on digital quantum simulations which arise due to nonperfect gates, as expressed by a gate-fidelity lower than 100%. (vi) We have further developed the diagrammatic technique based on Majorana representation of spin operators. (vii) For a specific setup serving as Majorana qubit, and the read out of the state of the qubit by a current measurement we investigated the dynamics of the quantum measurement process and the induced decoherence.



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