Project Details
SPP 1788: Study of Earth system dynamics with a constellation of potential field missions
Subject Area
from 2015 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 255388522
System Earth changes continuously. Variations of Earth's interior, the atmosphere, the oceans, and near-Earth space give rise to changes in global potential fields, particularly in Earth's magnetic and gravity fields. The underlying processes can be identified and studied through monitoring and analysis of fundamental geomagnetic and gravity parameters.The main focus of the Priority Programme 1788 “Dynamic Earth” is to quantify terrestrial transport mechanisms and solar-terrestrial interactions. The research programme builds on data from satellites on low-Earth orbits, such as CHAMP, GRACE, GRACE-FO and GOCE.Of particular importance is the ESA's multi-satellite mission Swarm , launched in November 2013. Three identically constructed satellites are equipped with a complimentary set of instruments to survey potential fields and fundamental physical parameters. Variations of the potential fields can be measured across a broad spectral range of spatial and temporal scales. Other parameters can be analyzed, as well as ground-based observations and modelling results, to complement the understanding of the system Earth. The key to successfully investigating the range of topics in this programme is a multidisciplinary approach.The scientific focus is on the following areas:• Geomagnetic Field• Gravity Field• Current Systems of the Ionosphere/Magnetosphere• Thermosphere/Ionosphere CouplingThe second phase of this Priority Programme started in 2018 and focuses now on multi-disciplinary approaches including clear links between two or more subtopics the programme.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
France, United Kingdom, USA
- Assimilating geomagnetic data with dynamo simulations: a window to the Earth's core dynamics (Applicants Sanchez, Sabrina ; Wicht, Johannes )
- Bayesian inversion for a global apparent magnetic susceptibility model based on quiet-time satellite magnetic field measurements (Applicant Korte, Monika )
- Consistent Ocean Mass Time Series from LEO Potential Field Missions (CONTIM-2) (Applicants Danilov, Sergey ; Kusche, Jürgen )
- Coordination Funds (Applicant Stolle, Claudia )
- Correlation based modelling of the Earth magnetic field (Applicant Holschneider, Matthias )
- Coupling of solar and geomagnetic activity with the spatial distribution of trends in green-house gases in the upper atmosphere (Applicant Hartogh, Paul )
- Development of High-precision Thermosphere Models for Improving Precise Orbit Determination of Low-Earth-Orbiting Satellites (TIPOD) (Applicants Hugentobler, Urs ; Kusche, Jürgen ; Schmidt, Michael ; Stolle, Claudia )
- Dynamic model of a coupled system of the convecting mantle, lithosphere and ice shield of Antarctica (MANTIS-II). (Applicant Kaban, Mikhail )
- Global observation of Ionospheric Sporadic E Layers and their relation to Atmospheric and ionospheric phenomena (Applicant Wickert, Jens )
- GRAvity wave short term Variability In the Thermosphere/Ionosphere induced by GLObal scale Waves (GRAVITIGLOW) (Applicant Trinh, Thai )
- Interactions of low-orbiting satellites with the surrounding thermosphere and ionosphere (Applicants Borries, Claudia ; Flury, Jakob ; Pail, Roland ; Schlicht, Anja ; Schmidt, Michael )
- Investigation of geomagnetic influences on the vertical coupling by gravity waves in the thermosphere/ionosphere (Applicant Hartogh, Paul )
- Ions in near-Earth space (Applicant Kronberg, Elena )
- Multi-Satellite ionosphere-plasmasphere Electron density reconstruction (MuSE) (Applicant Gerzen, Tatjana )
- Multi-Spacecraft Investigations of Coupling at Auroral Latitudes (MuSICAL): Field-Aligned Current Energetics and Scales (Applicant Vogt, Joachim )
- Ocean signals in Earth's magnetic field (OceanMag-II) (Applicant Saynisch-Wagner, Jan )
- Quantifying solar flux and geomagnetic main field influence on the equatorial thermosphere-ionosphere system for timescales complementary to satellite missions. (Applicant Matzka, Jürgen )
- Separating multi-decadal internal geomagnetic secular variation and magnetospheric field variations (Applicant Korte, Monika )
- Spatiotemporal variations of electromagnetic charachteristics of equatorial plasma depletions (Applicant Stolle, Claudia )
- Stochastic and physical modeling of the Earth's magnetic field (Applicants Baerenzung, Julien ; Holschneider, Matthias )
- Structure of the magnetic lithosphere from joint analysis of satellite and airborne data (Applicant Ebbing, Jörg )
- The impact of geomagnetic activity on thermospheric composition and circulation, and its coupling to the middle and upper atmosphere (Applicant Sinnhuber, Miriam )
- The role of MLT dynamics at mid and high latitudes on the Ionosphere/Thermosphere weather II (DYNAMITE2) (Applicant Chau, Ph.D., Jorge )
- Thermosphere/Ionosphere Gravity wave Effects Resulting from Upward Coupling (TigerUC) (Applicant Ern, Manfred )
- Time-Space Multiscale Separation of Ocean Tide Generated Magnetic Signals (Applicants Gerhards, Christian ; Rother, Martin )
Professorin Dr. Claudia Stolle