Quantum Monte-Carlo and Series-Expansion Analysis of Spin-Models for Molecular Magnets
Final Report Abstract
This project has lead to progress in our understanding of various properties of lowdimensional supramolecular magnets. Due to the tunability of their real-space structure as well as the wide variety of magnetic exchange interactions which can be realized in such magnets, they are an interesting bridge between pure single-molecule magnets and more conventional solid-state magnetic bulk materials. Using methods from large-scale computational theoretical physics, namely Quantum-Monte Carlo calculations based on the stochastic series expansion and high-order coupling constant expansions in terms of the magnetic exchange interactions we have investigated basic properties of these magnetic materials including thermodynamics, time-dependent phenomena, and quantum phases. In close collaboration with experimental researchers we have undertaken the first successful analysis of the quantum critical slowing-down at a magnetic field induced switching of a molecular spin-chain to full spin-polarization. We have investigated thermodynamic properties, magnetization switching and disorder phenomena in one- and two-dimensional coupled arrays of antiferromagnetic spin-dimers. Finally we have studied networks of tetrahedral spin-clusters. The latter studies have resolved a long-standing issue about the stability of the so-called sliding Luttinger liquid, which had been proposed as a two-dimensional unconventional quantum-state of matter. In contrast to previous claims, and using high-precision results from our series expansions we could show, that arbitrarily weak two-dimensional couplings were able to destabilize the sliding Luttinger liquid. Additionally we have found a novel spin-plaquette phase for certain ranges of inter-tetrahedral exchange couplings.
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