GRK 2073:  Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Scientific Research

Subject Area Philosophy
Term from 2015 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 254954344

Project Description

The central aim of the research training group is to integrate theoretical and practical philosophy of science in both of two senses: first, by engaging in philosophical research on science that combines practical philosophy (i.e. research ethics, political philosophy of science) with theoretical philosophy (i.e. logic, methodology, epistemology and metaphysics of science); secondly, by analysing Iinks between the cognitive dimension of the sciences (theories, hypotheses, discourses, models) and the material culture of the sciences (objects, equipment, experiments, practices). The intersections that thus define the research program of the group are rife with highly fruitful and often also particularly relevant philosophical research questions, many of which have been productively explored in the first funding period. The proposal for the second funding period is designed to continue this successfulline of research and to enrich it with new topics arising both from the development of contemporary issues surrounding the aims and means of scientific research (such as uncertainty in climate modelling, or the changing incentive structures of science) as weil as from developing philosophical debates (such as epistemic injustice and its relation to science, or the metaphysics of scientific practice). In order to warrant a sufficient degree of methodological coherence given its broad topical framework, the group maintains a disciplinary focus on philosophy. To do so, it brings together the well established strengths in both theoretical and practical philosophy of science of the Institute of Philosophy of Leibniz University Hannover and the Department of Philosophy of Bielefeld University. The fruitful cooperation between both departments has been reinforced through the successful work of the research training group throughout the first funding period. Additional expertise in philosophy of economics will be provided by Mercator Fellow Chrysostomos Mantzavinos. The qualification and supervision concept of the GRK is based on professional education via colloquia, theory workshops, peer groups and tutorials, on international elements such as temporary stays abroad or the organisation of conferences as weil as on specific measures that help to enhance the participants' scholarly skills. In the second funding period, this will also include methodological training on empirical methods for performing case studies on contemporary science. The involvement of scientists in residence enlarges the conceptual and methodological horizon of participants. Further measures aim at raising equality of opportunities as weil as preparing for a professional career outside academia.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups
Applicant Institution Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Co-Applicant Institution Universität Bielefeld
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Torsten Wilholt
Participating Researchers Dr. Anke Büter; Professor Dr. Martin Carrier; Professorin Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Ph.D., since 10/2020; Professorin Dr. Uljana Feest; Professor Dr. Mathias Frisch; Professor Dr. Dietmar Hübner; Professorin Dr. Marie I. Kaiser; Professor Dr. Thomas A.C. Reydon; Professor Dr. Ralf Stoecker