Processing speaker's meaning: Epistemic state, cooperation, commitment
Final Report Abstract
The project investigated the real-time processing of speaker meaning, i.e. the identification and, if necessary, reconstruction of the speaker's intention. On the one hand, pragmatic phenomena were considered that require meaning adaptation and expansion in a variety of ways, such as so-called privative adjectives (a fake ID), graduable adjectives (relative: big elephant vs. big mouse; absolute: wet shirt vs. wet dog), too-excessives (Tom is too heavy) as well as metonymic uses (German politicians instrumentalized Fukushima), and also expressions expressing the speaker’s attitude, such as epithets (the diva) or the adversative connector (but). Another focus was on the role of the speaker's perspective. Here, similarities and differences in the processing of different implicatures and inferences were identified. On the other hand, a unified, neurocognitively plausible model of the comprehension of pragmatic aspects of meaning was developed. Pragmatic processing reflects general processes of discourse comprehension and confirms earlier findings on the construction of a mental representation. Thereby, a continuous interplay of predictive processes and discourse updating processes is revealed.
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Schumacher Petra B., Weiland-Breckle Hanna & Reul Guendalina, Brilmayer Ingmar