Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
We here have successfully applied the concept of phononic crystal based sensor approach integrated into a planar SAW sensor platform. We could deduct information about the liquid by analyzing the frequency dispersion of the SAW-PnC solidliquid composite arrangement. We have demonstrated the sensing capabilities of the structure consisting of 4-port SAW device and the periodic arrangement of liquid filled microfluidic channels placed above the receiving IDTs. Computational analyses of the design with numerical methods have revealed the ability of the composite structure to exhibit structural resonance modes that depend on material properties of liquid inclusions. It was demonstrated that around a specific frequency when the structure is excited at a specific resonance mode, the transmission dependence has a related minimum at the frequency that can finally be correlated to material properties of the liquid, first of all speed of sound.
The sensor structures were fabricated utilizing the polymer based fabrication concept and a planar fabrication approach. Our concept merging the microacoustic platform and phononic crystal sensor concept was optimized and experimentally verified. The experimentally achieved results have confirmed the theoretical predictions but the sensor resolution was lower than expected. We address this finding to the lower Q-factor of the resonance used which is the result of small fabrication tolerances far beyond typical requirements in microfluidics and a not yet optimal mode spectrum. In order to improve the resolution of this velocimetry based sensors, special attention must be payed to the modes involved in the complete signal transduction scheme and further improvements in geometric stability of the resonant structures.
Gasoline properties determination with phononic crystal cavity sensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 189 (2013) 208–212
A. Oseev, M. Zubtsov, R. Lucklum
Phoxonic crystals—a new platform for chemical and biochemical sensors, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 405 (2013) 6497–6509
R. Lucklum, M. Zubtsov, A. Oseev
Flexible free-standing SU-8 microfluidic impedance spectroscopy sensor for 3-D molded interconnect devices application, Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems 5 (2016) 55–61
M.-P. Schmidt, A. Oseev, C. Engel, A. Brose, B. Schmidt, S. Hirsch
SAW based phononic crystal sensor, technological challenges and solutions, Microsystem Technologies 22 (2016) 1593–1599
M.-P. Schmidt, A. Oseev, R. Lucklum, M. Zubtsov, S. Hirsch
SAW based phononic crystal microfluidic sensor - microscale realization of velocimetry approaches for the integrated analytical platforms applications, Sensors 17 (2017) 2187
A. Oseev, R. Lucklum, M Zubtsov, M.-P. Schmidt, N.V. Mukhin, S. Hirsch
SAW based phononic crystal microfluidic sensor, Dissertation, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2017
A. Oseev
Surface modification of ZnO by plasma and laser treatment, Ferroelectrics 508.1 (2017) 124–129
V. P. Afanasjev, N. V. Mukhin, D. N. Redka, M. V., Rudenko, E. I. Terukov, A. Oseev, S. Hirsch
Two-component dielectric dispersion impedance biosensor for in-line protein monitoring, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 239 (2017) 1213–1220
A. Oseev, M.-P. Schmidt, S. Hirsch, A. Brose, B. Schmidt
Study of liquid resonances in solid-liquid composite periodic structures (phononic crystals) - theoretical investigations and practical application for in-line analysis of conventional petroleum products, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 257 (2018) 469–477
A. Oseev, N. Mukhin, R. Lucklum, M. Zubtsov, M.-P. Schmidt, U. Steinmann, A. Fomin, A. Kozyrev, S. Hirsch
Towards macroporous phononic crystal based structures for FBAR applications. Theoretical investigation of technologically competitive solutions. Microsystem Technologies 28 (2018) 2389–2399
A. Oseev, N. V. Mukhin, R. Lucklum, M. Zubtsov, M. P. Schmidt, D. Redka, A. Kozyrev, S. Hirsch
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection
Canada, Greece