High resolution mono- and bistatic SAR imaging by using a novel modular Radar transmitter and multi-channel receiver system
Final Report Abstract
The main goal of this project was to theoretically and experimentally investigate the use of noise as a radar waveform and compare it to deterministic waveforms. After evaluating the correlation effects of the stochastic waveform, it was found that due to selfinterference after correlation which is normally done by a matched filter weak targets are masked by strong targets. Therefore, although a matched filter optimizes the signaltonoise ratio for a single target, it does not provide an optimal result for a scene. The analysis of different deconvolution filters has shown that the LeastMeanSquares method can achieve an optimal reconstruction of the scene. There is a linear relationship between the signalto noise performance and the SNR of the scene estimation. The same optimal result can be obtained with the optimized FIR filter. With the Wiener deconvolution filter, a very good but not optimal result is obtained after only one iteration. To complete the bistatic HITCHHIKER receiver system, an experimental transmitter system was built, and several experiments were successfully conducted. Through these experiments, the pulse com pression techniques considered in this work could be tested. Weak targets, e.g., small moving targets such as cars, were not detectable in the range Doppler domain when a matched filter was used. On ly by applying the developed deconvolution filters and reconstruction algorithms was detection and tracking of the target possible. However, the Wiener filter required the least processing time and is therefore recommended for range compression of noise signal pulses. The receiver system consisting of four identical superheterodyne receivers was further develo ped into a measurement instrument through extensive calibrations in this project. By modeling the TerraSARX transmit system, it has become possible to describe the synchronization between the transmitter and the GPSsynchronous HITCHHIKER receiver by the relative frequency deviation of the transmit oscillator. Furthermore, the transmit pulse can now be taken from a model as an alter native to the measurement in the reference channel. For the case of a stationary component and a moving component with linear trajectory, the trans formation between radar and ground coordinates was analytically investigated and two approaches for processing in the frequency domain were derived. By using a transponder, the range error of the bistatic measurement using a satellite and our receiving system could be estimated with less than 10 cm in the absolute difference range after focusing considering the troposphere.
“First HITCHHIKER Noise Radar Imaging Experiment”. In: EUSAR, Juni 2014, S. 794–797
Simon Reuter, Florian Behner, Holger Nies und Otmar Loffeld
“Synchronization and Prepro cessing of Hybrid Bistatic SAR Data in the HITCHHIKER Experiment”. In: EUSAR 2014
Florian Behner, Simon Reuter, Holger Nies und Otmar Loffeld
“A Multi Channel Antenna Setup for Trajectory Estimation of Moving Targets for ISAR Imaging Using Time Difference of Arrival with the HITCHHIKER Noise”. In: Proceedings of EUSAR, Juni 2016
Simon Reuter, Florian Behner, Holger Nies und Otmar Loffeld
“High Resolution Bistatic Experiments using TerraSARX Staring Spotlight Mode and the Very High Resolution SAR Mode of the Fraunhofer FHR PAMIR System”. In: Proceedings of EUSAR, Juni 2016
Florian Behner, Simon Reuter, Holger Nies und Otmar Loffeld
“Synchronization and Processing in the HITCHHIKER Bistatic SAR Experiment”. In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume: 9 Issue: 3 (2016), S. 1028–1035
Florian Behner, Simon Reuter, Holger Nies und Otmar Loffeld
“Compact GroundBased Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar: ShortRange Structural Monitoring”. In: IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 36.4 (2019), S. 42–52
Andrei Anghel u. a.
“Characterization of the PAZ XBand SAR Using the HITCHHIKER Ground Receiver”. In: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (2021), S. 1–5
Florian Behner u. a.