The epos under the aesthetic conditions of Romanticism. Transformation and reflection on an impossible genre in Hispanic and Latin American literatures

Applicant Professor Dr. Roger Friedlein
Subject Area European and American Literary and Cultural Studies
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 254324147

Project Description

This project intends to identify and analyse paradigmatic texts of Ibero-Romanic Romanticism, which can be integrated into the tradition of epic poetry and which take part in the process of transformation of this genre, characteristic for the aesthetic conditions of Romanticism. We will analyse the specific textual features resulting from this transformation as well as the metapoetic reflection of this process in Romantic epic poetry itself. The study area comprises Latin America, including Brazil, and the three Romanic language areas on the Iberian Peninsula. This format, including the entire Ibero-Romanic language area, inevitably implies comparatistic aspects between, on the one hand, the ever more canonized national literature of Spain and Portugal and, on the other hand, Latin American and Catalan literature, which are about to consolidate as national literatures.
DFG Programme Research Grants