The purpose of this cruise is to investigate two hydrographic processes in the Mediterranean Sea:a) To determine long term variations of the Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW), the salinity of which not only influences the global circulation of the Mediterranean Sea but also contributes to the salinity distribution of the northern Atlantic in intermediate depths up to the coast of America and which can therefore be relevant for the oceans climate. b) To investigate the deep water masses of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In the Eastern Mediterranean Sea drastic changes in the hydrography and circulation occurred during the last decades, which were known as the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT). One phenomenon of the EMT was the shift of deep water formation from the Adriatic Sea to the Aegean Sea. The impacts of the EMT are still noticeable and result in an ongoing changing thermohaline circulation.The necessary measurements will be taken on a cruise (P467), which is already granted. A high resolved east-west transection through the Mediterranean Sea will be carried out within the upper 800m of the water column with an Underway-CTD. On special positions, already repeatedly sampled on other cruises, CTD/lADCP profiles down to the bottom will be accomplished. By repeating measurements at special positions it will be possible to investigate the long term temporal development of the different physical variables. The data gained here and data of former cruises of the applicants will be analysed regarding the aforementioned aspects.
DFG Programme
Research Grants