EXC 142:
Cognition for Technical Systems (CoTeSys)
Subject Area
Systems Engineering
Computer Science
from 2006 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 25268764
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The COTESYS cluster of excellence investigated cognition for technical systems
such as autonomous robots, manufacturing systems, and vehicles. Cognitive technical systems
are equipped with technical sensors and actuators, integrated into physical systems, and act autonomously
in the physical world. They differ from other technical systems as they perform cognitive
control and have cognitive capabilities. Cognitive control orchestrates reflexive and habitual
behavior in accordance with longterm autonomy and intentions. Cognitive capabilities include
perception, reasoning, learning, goal-oriented planning, and result in systems of higher autonomy,
flexibility, adaptivity, reliability, robustness and have better human interaction and collaboration
capabilities. The scientific approach is based on (multiple) perception–cognition–action (PCA)
closed loop systems including human-system joint cognition and collaborative action.
The COTESYS cluster combined research competences in neuroscience, natural sciences, engineering,
informatics, and humanities from the Technische Universität München (TUM), the Ludwig-
Maximilians-Universität (LMU), the Universität der Bundeswehr (UBM), the Deutsches Zentrum für
Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), and the Max-Planck-Institute for Neurobiology (MPI) to understand,
model, analyze, and synthesize the information processing, decision making, and action mechanisms
needed for cognition-enabled technical systems. Interdisciplinary research in neurobiology,
neuro-cognition, cognitive science, and mathematics formed the basis for novel engineering and
computing approaches to "artificial" cognition, which were validated by methods from psychology
and ergonomics.
The COTESYS research program was based on two components: the realization of cognitive
capabilities and the focus on complex technical systems. The demonstration scenarios cognitionenabled
kitchen, cognition-enabled factory, and cognition-enabled joint action were world-leading
in their domains. New interdisciplinary and groundbreaking research results and methods were
validated in these complex experimental systems. Because of these characteristics, COTESYS was
in an excellent position to exploit Munich’s outstanding research infrastructure and strengths in an
optimal way. Having technical systems as our targeted application fields positioned COTESYS
in a key innovation field that is vital for Germany’s high-tech industry. The cooperation across
disciplines and institutes produced synergies that will be kept and further strengthen the leadingedge
of research, education, and technology in Munich even after the funding period of the cluster.
The focus of the last funding period of the cluster was on the one hand to ensure the termination of
as many PhD theses as possible and on the other hand the attraction of new third-party fundings.
Link to the final report
Learning local objective functions for robust face model fitting, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 30(8):1357-1370, 2008
M. Wimmer, F. Stulp, S. Pietzsch & B. Radig
Robots in the kitchen: Exploiting ubiquitous sensing and actuation, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Journal, Special Issue on Network Robot Systems, 56(10):844-856, 2008
R.B. Rusu, B. Gerkey & M. Beetz
Attentional selection of multiple goal positions before rapid hand movement sequences: an ERP study, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(1):18-29, 2009
D. Baldauf & H. Deubel
Handing-over a cube: spatial features of physical joint action, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1164:380-382, 2009
M. Huber, A. Knoll, T. Brandt and S. Glasauer
Hydrodynamic object recognition: When multipoles count, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102(5), 058104, 2009
A.B. Sichert, R. Bamler and J.L. van Hemmen
Neural mechanisms of concurrent stimulus processing in dual tasks, Neuroimage, 48(1):237-248, 2009
C. Stelzel, S. Brandt & T. Schubert
Social cognitive neuroscience and humanoid robotics, Journal of Physiology - Paris, 103(3-5):286-295, 2009
G. Cheng and T. Chaminade
TMS evidence for smooth pursuit gain control by the frontal eye fields, Cerebral Cortex, 19:1144-50, 2009
U. Nuding, R. Kalla, N.G. Muggleton, U. Büttner, V. Walsh & S. Glasauer
Wake tracking and the detection of vortex rings by the canal lateral line of fish, Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 078102, 2009
J.-M.P. Franosch, H.J.A. Hagedorn, J. Goulet, J. Engelmann, and J.L. van Hemmen
Advance planning in sequential pick-and-place tasks, Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(1):508-516, 2010
C. Hesse & H. Deubel
Electrophysiological correlates of detecting a visual target and detecting its absence: the role of feature dimensions, Neuropsychologia, 48:3365-3370, 2010
E. Akyürek, A. Dinkelbach, A. Schubö & H. Müller
How stimulus shape affects lateral-line perception: analytical approach to analyzing natural stimulus characteristics, Biological Cybernetics 102(3):177-180, 2010
A.B. Sichert and J.L. van Hemmen
Observing fearful faces leads to visuo-spatial perspective taking, Cognition, 117(1):101-105, 2010
J. Zwickel & H.J. Müller
ON and OFF pathways in Drosophila motion vision, Nature, 468:300-304, 2010
M. Joesch, B. Schnell, V.R. Shamprasad, D.F. Reiff & A. Borst
On the temporal relation of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms during guidance of attention, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(4):640-654, 2010
A. Wykowska & A. Schubö
The impact of animal-like features on emotion expression of robot head EDDIE, Advanced Robotics, 24(8-9):1239-1255, 2010
K. Kuehnlenz, S. Sosnowski & M. Buss
Visualizing retinotopic half-wave rectified input to the motion detection circuitry of Drosophila, Nature Neuroscience, 13:973-978, 2010
D.F. Reiff, J. Plett, M. Mank, O. Griesbeck & A. Borst
Combined 2D-3D categorization and classification for multimodal perception systems, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 30. 2011, Issue 11, pp. 1378-1402.
Z.-C. Marton, D. Pangercic, N. Blodow and M. Beetz
How to test for dual-task specific effects in brain imaging studies – An evaluation of potential analysis methods, Neuroimage, 54(3):1765- 1773, 2011
A.J. Szameitat, T. Schubert & H.J. Müller
Mobile visual location recognition, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Special Issue on Mobile Media Search, 28(4), 77-89, 2011
G. Schroth, R. Huitl, D. Chen, M. Abu-Alqumsan, A. Al-Nuaimi, E. Steinbach
Predictive remapping of attention across eye movements, Nature Neuroscience, 14(2):252-256, 2011
M. Rolfs, D. Jonikaitis, H. Deubel & P. Cavanagh
RoboEarth - A world wide web for robots. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol. 18. 2011, no. 2, pp. 69-82.
M. Waibel, M. Beetz, R. D’Andrea, R. Janssen, M. Tenorth, J. Civera, J. Elfring, D. Gálvez- López, K. Häussermann, J.M.M. Montiel, A. Perzylo, B. Schießle, O. Zweigle & R. van de Molengraft
System interdependence analysis for autonomous robots, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 30:601-614, 2011
G. Lidoris, F. Rohrmüller, D. Wollherr & M. Buss
Web-enabled Robots – Robots that use the Web as an Information Resource, Robotics & Automation Magazine, 18(2):58-68, 2011
M. Tenorth, U. Klank, D. Pangercic & M. Beetz
Cognition-enabled autonomous robot control for the realization of home chore task intelligence, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 100. 2012, Issue 8, pp. 2454 - 2471.
M. Beetz, D. Jain, L. Mösenlechner, L. Kunze, M. Tenorth, N. Blodow and D. Pangercic
DFG Programme
Clusters of Excellence