Settlement and Cemetery of the Linear Pottery Site Arnoldsweiler-Ellebach

Applicant Professor Dr. Andreas Zimmermann
Subject Area Prehistory and World Archaeology
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 252633375

Project Description

Settlements and cemeteries of the Linear Pottery Culture have often been investigated in different archaeological projects and in isolation. Therefore, the project aims at shedding light on the relationship between these two kinds of archaeological feature types. The site of Arnoldsweiler-Ellebach (district Düren, North Rhine-Westphalia) is most suitable for this task due to its unusually combination of archaeological features, which include graves, houses, a well and an earthwork enclosure.The archaeological finds and features will be analyzed using a standardized, quantitative approach and contextualized within Geographical Information Systems. Subsequently, the recorded data are evaluated applying methods of multivariate statistics and spatial analyses. An important task is to establish links between the different subareas (settlement, cemetery, well, and enclosure) of the site. Besides these intra-site analyses, we reconstruct the sites integration in regional and supra-regional social networks.This research project is the first of two, both aiming at a comprehensive analysis of the Linear Pottery Culture complex of Arnoldsweiler-Ellebach. The second project is designed to focus on geoarchaeological and scientific analyses.
DFG Programme Research Grants
Participating Person Professorin Dr. Renate Gerlach