Interaction is a key-term in many fields of research. Interaction connects communities, drives historical processes and is an important part in every day live. Interaction can be seen from a social, cultural, geographical, economic, political and other points of view. Interacting groups were interpreted as cultures in traditional archaeology. Archaeological culture is defined by common elements of material culture. Cultures are delimiting interaction areas and allow to recognise imports. Since some years it becomes obvious that the image of homogeneous and crisp delimited cultures is oversimplified. Cultures without spatial focus, fuzzy borders and complex interaction systems have to be taken into consideration. This project investigates interaction in the Iron Age as dependent on geographical, economic and social distances. The investigation is not focussed on spatial groups, nevertheless, on interaction at small distances. In most cases we cannot detect interaction at small distances with traditional methods. This study applies four methodical concepts to develop interaction models and communication networks, as well as transportation networks: 1. Analysis of cultural distances using 'Typenspektren'. 2. Scientific analysis of selected finds to detect material from foreign regions. 3. Analysis of import finds detected by typology. 4. Analysis of distribution patterns of finds and sites. The first project phase is concentrated on statistical analysis of material culture while the second phase is dedicated to scientific analysis and synthesis of results.
DFG Programme
Research Grants