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Configurations of learning types during homework: determinants and consequences

Subject Area General and Domain-Specific Teaching and Learning
Term from 2014 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 252019518
Homework is a central component of instruction in school, especially in the subjects Mathematics, German and the foreign languages. One of the major aims of homework assignments is to increase academic achievement. However, there is a considerable gap between educational intent and empirical confirmation regarding the effect of homework. The proposed project addresses this research gap.The project consists of four sub-studies, in which longitudinal data of nearly 2000 eighth grade students will be reanalyzed with latent-profile-models. In study 1, considering both homework compliance and homework time investment, different configurations of homework behavior (e.g., fast and thorough completion versus time-consuming, but only partial completion of homework) and the stability and change of the specific learning types shall be investigated. Following, it shall be explored whether the learning types differ in academic achievement. Study 2 shall examine the effects of interindividual differences in motivation and personality as predictors of specific learning types. In study 3, the effects of determinants at the teacher- and class-level for types of learning behavior shall be adequately modeled. Study 4 shall explore the impact of differences in parental homework involvement on specific types of homework behavior.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Netherlands

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