Transition Processing Pedagogical rationalities of personal services for guidance and counselling of transitions into work

Applicants Professorin Dr. Ilona Ebbers; Professorin Dr. Barbara Stauber; Professorin Dr. Inga Truschkat; Professor Dr. Andreas Walther
Subject Area Education Systems and Educational Institutions
Term from 2014 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 251940066

Project Description

Over the last years personal services for guidance and counselling of transitions into work proved to be an important educational instrument in the regulation of modern employment trajectories. At the same time this field of services is characterized by a large heterogeneity of different instruments. This research project conducts a systematic comparison of different personal career guidance services from the perspective of educational studies for the first time. The comparison aims to answer the question how transition to work are shaped by personal career guidance services and thereby treated as educational issues. This project uses the methodology of multilevel analysis to investigate into the different levels of transition processing of these personal services: I. The analysis of the scientific (secondary analysis), the political (discourse analysis) and the economic (market analysis) knowledge aims to the identification of the constitutive challenges of the field (field analysis). II. With a case analysis of five contrastive sampled personal services different levels of transition processing and its inherent pedagogical rationalities are supposed to be reconstructed. This includes the analysis of organizational knowledge (expert interviews, document analysis, ethnography), of conversational knowledge (conversational discourse analysis of counselling interviews) and of biographical knowledge (biographical interviews with clients). III. An analytical comparison of the findings gives new insights into interpretive patterns of this field of services and particularly into its inherent pedagogical rationalities (structural analysis). Hence this research project will provide first of all findings about the homogeneity and heterogeneity of this field of services. Furthermore it will provide findings about the regulation of modern employment trajectories that are of valuable for theoretical advancements in this field of research.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Luxembourg
Partner Organisation Fonds National de la Recherche
Participating Person Professorin Dr. Ute Karl