Measurement and modeling of surface erosion in acoustic cavitation
Fluid Mechanics
Final Report Abstract
Non-aqueous systems are being used in a growing number of acoustic cavitation applications in process engineering. A large proportion of the liquids used have a higher viscosity than water, e.g. important acids, oils, ionic liquids or liquids in food industries. Acoustic cavitation structures and bubble dynamics in such higher viscosity liquids are still largely unexplored in the literature. The aim of the project is to investigate cavitation structures and bubble dynamics in such liquids using experimental methods and to substantially further develop their modeling. The erosion of solid materials caused by cavitation is being investigated as a concrete application example. Cavitation is used here as a complementary method to chemical erosion. For the latter, sulphuric acid is used, which is known for its high viscosity. In acoustic cavitation, the cavitation bubbles grow strongly, collapse and reverberate. The dynamics of the bubbles and the forces acting on them are influenced by the viscosity, which in turn affects the transportation and distribution of the bubbles. The immersion of numerous solids in the liquid increases the specific surface area (surface area/volume ratio), as is also typical for porous media. For this reason, the modeling of the nearsurface mechanisms by the Bjerknes forces is investigated in depth. Sound propagation and erosion in regular packings of solids are investigated experimentally. The work in the second approval phase (i.e. after 2018) was published in four renowned and quality-assured journals. Like many other projects, this project was delayed due to the pandemic, as laboratories and workstations could not be used for a longer period of time. On a positive note, the use of digital communication channels became a matter of course during this time. This actually facilitated communication between the distributed working groups in the postpandemic time.
Auflösung der Blasengrößenverteilung nach Phasenlage in akustischer Kavitation, DAGA 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 14.-17. März 2016
Ayaz-Bustami, K.; Eisener, J.; Mettin, R.; Lesnik, S. & Brenner, G.
Modeling of Acoustic Cavitation with Euler-Lagrange Ansatz, Kavitations-Workshop, Duisburg, 2016
Lesnik, S. & Brenner, G.
Modeling of Non-linear Damping in Acoustic Cavitation, GAMM Jahrestagung, 2016
Lesnik, S. & Brenner, G.
Modellierung der akustischen Kavitation mithilfe des Euler-Lagrange Ansatzes, DAGA 42. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 14.-17. März 2016
Lesnik, S.; Brenner, G.; Ayaz-Bustami, K. & Mettin, R.
Berechnung der akustischen Kavitation mittels der Einzelpartikelverfolgung, ProcessNet 16.-17.03.2017
Lesnik, S. & Brenner, G.
Modellierung der Erosion in einem Ultraschall-Reaktor zur Wertmetallrückgewinnung, 43. Jahrestagung für Akustik, 06.-09. März 2017
Lesnik, S. & Brenner, G.
Study of Ultrasound Propagation and Cavitation Activity in a Packing Bed of Spherical Particles. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 89(10), 1379-1384.
Lesnik, Sergey; Mettin, Robert & Brenner, Gunther
Bubble size measurements in different acoustic cavitation structures: Filaments, clusters, and the acoustically cavitated jet. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 55(2019, 7), 383-394.
Reuter, Fabian; Lesnik, Sergey; Ayaz-Bustami, Khadija; Brenner, Gunther & Mettin, Robert
Bubble structures and sonoluminescence in viscous liquids. In: H. Waubke, P. Balazs (Eds.): Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2021 Wien, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA), Berlin, 2021, pp. 615-618 [ISBN: 978-3-939296-18-8 ]
Aghelmaleki, A.; Lesnik, S.; Afarideh, H.; Brenner, G. & Mettin, R.
A Macroscopic Multi-physics Approach for Modeling Acoustically Cavitating Flows. Dissertation, Clausthal University, 2022
Lesnik, S.
Modeling acoustic cavitation with inhomogeneous polydisperse bubble population on a large scale. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 89(2022, 9), 106060.
Lesnik, Sergey; Aghelmaleki, Atiyeh; Mettin, Robert & Brenner, Gunther
The collapse of a sonoluminescent cavitation bubble imaged with X-ray free-electron laser pulses. New Journal of Physics, 26(3), 033002.
Hoeppe, Hannes P; Osterhoff, Markus; Aghel Maleki, Atiyeh; Rosselló, Juan M; Vassholz, Malte; Hagemann, Johannes; Engler, Thea; Schwarz, Daniel; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Angel; Boesenberg, Ulrike; Möller, Johannes; Shayduk, Roman; Hallmann, Jörg; Madsen, Anders; Mettin, Robert & Salditt, Tim