Aim of the project is the development and validation of fast and effective methods for defect reconstruction from thermographic measurements of carbon-fiber reinforced composites. The reconstruction results shall not only allow to locate defects, but also give a quantitative characterization of the geometric properties of the defect (e.g., depth of coverage, degree of delamination, extent of damage normal to the surface).The sub-goals arise from the contributions to an optimal defect reconstruction:- inclusion of a multitude of measurement data for different material and defect parameters and different heating procedures (impulse, lock-in, burst and several further spatio-temporal intensity patterns)- comprehensive modeling and simulation of heat transport, allowing for macroscopically anisotropic materials, inhomogeneous layer structure, different temporal heating intensities and spatial heat flux distributions- further development of PDE-based identification methods and development of fast heuristics for effective quantitative defect reconstruction
DFG Programme
Research Grants