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Preparation of Janus-type actuators based on liquid crystalline elastomers in a mircrofluidic device

Subject Area Polymer Materials
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 251402731
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

It was the intention of this research project to prepare mechanical actuators based on liquid crystalline elastomers (LCEs), which respond to visible light and near UV-light within a microfluidic setup. In the next step then the morphology of these micro-particles should be varied to become Janus-like or tube-like. It was thus the first task to combine the light responsiveness of some known LCEs prepared from azobenzene derivatives with the microfluidic processing. This was not trivial, as the LCE particles are prepared by photo-chemically initiated polymerization, and this process competes with the photo-chemically initiated trans - cis isomerization. This problem could be solved by using radical photo-initiators, which work with visible (red) light. In the next step the desired morphologies of the actuating liquid crystalline particles could be prepared and made to operate at a thermal or photochemical stimulus. The LCE tubes are thereby attractive to pump an internal liquid. The LCE micro-particles of Janus-like shape allow an unsymmetric actuation. In addition they can be self-assembled at liquid-liquid interfaces and transformed into macroscopically actuating surfaces.



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