EXC 128:
Integrative Produktionstechnik für Hochlohnländer
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2006 bis 2018
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 25065172
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Das Exzellenzcluster „Integrative Produktionstechnologie für Hochlohnländer“ hat in den letzten mehr als zehn Jahren die Produktionsforschung in Aachen geprägt. Der Cluster legte den Grundstein für die Vision des neuen Exzellenzclusters „Internet der Produktion“ (IoP). Es bietet Methoden zur Lösung des Polylemmas der Produktion: (i) Herstellung von Produkten zu Massenproduktionskosten (Skala), die den individuellen Kundenanforderungen (Umfang) perfekt entsprechen; und (ii) Optimierung der Synchronisation der Produktionsressourcen (Plan) bei gleichzeitig höchster Systemdynamik. Der Cluster war der Grundstein für zahlreiche Folgeinitiativen in den Bereichen Forschung, Innovation und Bildung. Höhepunkte sind die Initiativen zur Elektromobilitätsproduktion (StreetScooter, e.Go) und Neubauten am RWTH Aachen Campus. Um neuen wissenschaftlichen Aspekten auf den Grund zu gehen, hat das CoE Projekte wie eine Machbarkeitsstudie in Bereichen wie selbstlernende Verhaltensstrategien für Roboter (Projekt CENSE) oder Datenanalyse und maschinelles Lernen für tiefere Einblicke in Herstellungsprozesse (Projekt BRAIN) initiiert. Durch diese Projekte wurden weitere Industriepartner (z. B. Audi und Opel) in die Aktivitäten des Clusters einbezogen.
Der CoE war an allen Maßnahmen der RWTH Aachen University-Gesamtstrategie gekoppelt und das Profil der Produktionstechnik in Aachen wurde vor allem durch die Förderung der interdisziplinären Forschung gestärkt. Operativ wurde dies durch sogenannte Projekthäuser realisiert. Einige dieser Projekthäuser sind mit dem derzeitigen Cluster verwandt und wurden in den letzten Jahren eingerichtet. Auf strategischer Ebene tragen die Profilbereiche und die beteiligten CoE-PIs Prof. Klocke und Prof. Kowalewski (als Sprecher) zur interdisziplinären Forschung in der Produktion bei, indem sie das CoE in das Hochschulnetzwerk integrieren. Die Maßnahme „Place-to-Be“ trägt unter anderem zu herausragenden Forschungsleistungen bei, die maßgeblich zum Erfolg der Universität beigetragen haben. Eine weitere Aktivität dieser Maßnahme ist es, exzellente Forscher an die RWTH Aachen zu holen. Mit Prof. Schleifenbaum, einem assoziierten Partner des CoE, wurde der Bereich Digital Additive Production institutionell in Aachen etabliert. Basierend auf den vorhandenen wissenschaftlichen und strukturellen Grundlagen wird die Vision des IoP in einen optimalen Rahmen und in bewährte Verfahren aus der Vergangenheit integriert.
Link zum Abschlussbericht
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2011) Characterisation of plasma-sprayed SrFe12O19 coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 31(8): 1439–1449
Bobzin K, Bolelli G, Bruehl M, Hujanen A, Lintunen P, Lisjak D, Gyergyek S, Lusvarghi L
(2011) Cross-Functional Integration of R&D, Marketing, and Manufacturing in Radical and Incremental Product Innovations and Its Effects on Project Effectiveness and Efficiency. In: Journal of Product Innovation Management 28, pp 251–269
Brettel M, Heinemann F, Engelen A, Neubauer S
(2011) Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries. Springer, Berlin
Brecher C, (Ed.)
(2011) Investigation on incremental sheet forming combined with laser heating and stretch forming for the production of lightweight structures. In: KEM 473, pp 919-928
Taleb-Araghi B, Göttmann A, Bergweiler G, Saeed-Akbari A, Bültmann J, Zettler J, Bambach M, Hirt G
(2012) Adaptive Information Integration: Bridging the Semantic Gap between Numerical Simulations. In: van der Aalst W, Mylopoulos J, Rosemann M et al. (eds) Enterprise Information Systems, vol 102. Springer Berlin, pp 51–65
Meisen T, Meisen P, Schilberg D, Jeschke S
(2012) Cognitive engineering of automated assembly processes. In: Human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing & service industries 24(3), pp 348–368
Mayer M, Odenthal B, Faber M, Winkelholz C, Schlick C
(2012) Corporate effectuation. Entrepreneurial action and its impact on R&D project performance. In: Journal of Business Venturing 27, pp 167–184
Brettel M, Mauer R, Engelen A, Küpper, D
(2012) Entwicklung eines kognitionsergonomischen Konzeptes und eines Simulationssystems für die robotergestützte Montage. Shaker Verlag, Aachen
Mayer M
(2012) Self-optimising assembly systems based on cognitive technologies. In: Brecher C (2012) Production technologies for high-wage countries, pp 894–946
Mayer M, Odenthal B, Ewert D, Kempf T, Behnen D, Büscher C, Kuz S, Müller S, Hauck E, Kausch B, Schilberg D, Herfs W, Schlick C, Jeschke S, Brecher C
(2013) A novel approach for temperature control in ISF supported by laser and resistance heating. In: Int J Adv Manuf Technol 67(9-12):2195–2205
Göttmann A, Bailly D, Bergweiler G, Bambach M, Stollenwerk J, Hirt G, Loosen P
(2013) Efficient utilization of production resources in the use phase of multi-technology machine tools. In: Production Engineering 7(4):443–452
Brecher C, Breitbach T, Do-Khac D, Bäumler S, Lohse W
(2013) Fabrication of Hierarchical Structures by Direct Laser Writing and Multi- Beam-Interference. In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 8(3), pp 210-215
Steger M
(2013) From Orthogonal Cutting Experiments towards Easy-to-Implement and Accurate Flow Stress Data. In: Materials and Manufacturing Processes 28 (11), pp 1222-1227
Klocke F, Lung D, Buchkremer S
(2013) Multiple intensity distributions from a single optical element. In: Winston R, Gordon J (Eds) Nonimaging Optics: Efficient Design for Illumination and Solar Concentration X
Berens M, Bruneton A, Bäuerle A, Traub M, Wester R, Stollenwerk J, Loosen P
(2013) Properties of Friction Stir Welded Blanks Made from DC04 Mild Steel and Aluminum AA6016. In: Advanced Materials Research 769:237–244
Göttmann A, Mertin C, Mosecker L, Naumov A, Bambach M
(2013) Supporting Technology Transfer via Webbased Platforms. In: PICMET 2013
Schuh G, Aghassi S, Caléro Valdez A
(2013) Supporting Technology Transfer with Communities and Social Software Solutions In: ICETM 2013, pp 553-561
Schuh G, Aghassi S
(2013) Technology Transfer Portals: A Design Model for Supporting Technology Transfer via Social Software Solutions In: IEEM 2013
Schuh G, Aghassi S
(2013) Value-oriented layout planning using the Virtual Production Intelligence (VPI). In: POM 2013 : 24th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society ; Integrating Practice In Pom Research And Teaching, 10 pp
Kampker A, Kreisköther K, Burggräf P et al.
(2014) A method to quantitatively upscale the damage initiation of dual-phase steels under various stress states from microscale to macroscale. Computational Materials Science 94: 245-257
Lian J, Yang H, Vajragupta N, Münstermann S, Bleck W
(2014) A New Process Design for Performing Holeflanging Operations by Incremental Sheet Forming. In: Procedia Engineering 81:2305–2310
Bambach M, Voswinckel H, Hirt G
(2014) Characteristics of testing conditions for constitutive models in metal plasticity. In: Journal of Engineering Mathematics 88(1): 99-119
Bambach M, Bücker M, Heppner S, Herty M, Vladimirov I
(2014) Development of (Cr,Al)ON coatings using middle frequency magnetron sputtering and investigations on tribological behavior against polymers. In: Surface and Coatings Technology 260, pp 347-361
Bagcivan N, Bobzin K, Brögelmann T, Kalscheuer C
(2014) Enhancing Scientific Cooperation of an Interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence via a Scientific Cooperation Portal In:ICELW 2014 International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace
Vaegs T, Calero Valdez A, Schaar A, Bräking A, Aghassi S, Jansen U, Thiele T, Welter F, Jooß C, Richert A, Schulz W, Schuh G, Ziefle M, Jeschke S
(2014) Global Footprint Design based on genetic algorithms – An “Industry 4.0” perspective. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 63(1):433–6
Schuh G, Potente T, Varandani R, Schmitz T
(2014) Identification of Requirements for Focused Crawlers in Technology Intelligence In: PICMET 2014 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology
Schuh G, Bräkling A, Apfel K
(2014) Improving Factory Planning by Analyzing Process Dependencies. Procedia CIRP 17: 38-43
Büscher C, Voet H, Meisen T et al.
(2014) Influence of the Process Temperature on the Properties of Friction Stir Welded Blanks Made of Mild Steel and Aluminum In: KEM 611-612, pp 1429–1436
Mertin C, Naumov A, Mosecker L, Bambach M, Hirt G
(2014) Influencing Factors and Requirements for Designing Customized Technology Transfer Portals In: ICMIT 2014 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology
Schuh G, Aghassi S, Schneider B, Bartels P
(2014) Interactive analysis and evaluation of production control. In: Advances in The Ergonomics in Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the Future, p 322
Schuh G, Potente T, Thomas C, Luckert M
(2014) Linking strategic flexibility and operational efficiency: The mediating role of ambidextrous operational capabilities. Journal of Operations Management 32(7-8):475–90
Kortmann S, Gelhard C, Zimmermann C, Piller FT
(2014) Methodology for the Development of Modular Factory Systems. In: FAIM 2014, pp 131–138
Kampker A, Voet H, Burggräf P et al.
(2014) Modularization methodology for high pressure die casting dies. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 71(9-12):1677–86
Queudeville Y, Vroomen U, Bührig-Polaczek A
(2014) Optimized Factory Planning and Process Chain Formation Using Virtual Production Intelligence. In: Jeschke S, Isenhardt I, Hees F, Henning K (Eds) Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering 2013/2014, pp 881-895
Hoffmann M, Kreisköther K, Büscher C et al.
(2014) Scientific Cooperation Engineering. Making Interdisciplinary Knowledge Available within Research Facilities and to External Stakeholders In: WIS 2014 International Conference on Webometrics, Infometrics & Scientometrics
Calero Valdez A, Schaar A, Vaegs T, Thiele T, Kowalski M, Aghassi S, Jansen U, Schulz W, Schuh G, Jeschke S, Ziefle M
(2015) A symbolic approach to self-optimisation in production system analysis and control. Advances in production technology, pp 147-160
Schlick C, Faber M, Kuz S, Bützler J
(2015) Adaptive assembly sequence planning with respect to ergonomic work conditions. In: Proceedings 19th triennial congress of the IEA, 8 pp
Faber M, Bützler J, Schlick C
(2015) An interactive approach for fast and frugal decision making in innovative research cooperation. In: ICERI 2015 Proceedings, pp 7957-7963
Jansen U, Schulz W
(2015) Anthropomorphic design of robotic arm trajectories in assembly cells. In: Occupational Ergonomics 12(3), pp 73-82
Kuz et al.
(2015) Cognitive Self- Optimization in Industrial Assembly. In: WGP Congress 2015: progress in production engineering, pp 35-42
Permin E, Hoffmann M, Bertelsmeier F, Haag S, Detert T, Schmitt R
(2015) Configuration Model for Focused Crawlers in Technology Intelligence In: IAMOT 2015 24th International Conference of the International Association for Management of Technology
Schuh G, Bräkling A, Drescher T
(2015) Development of Industry Sector Specific Factory Standards. In: 17th ICMIE vol 2, pp 799–803
Voet H, Krunke M, Burggräf P
(2015) Economic implications of 3D printing. Market structure models in light of additive manufacturing revisited. In: Int J Prod Econ 164, pp. 43-56
Weller C, Kleer R, Piller F
(2015) Effects of Data Presentation and Perceptual Speed on Speed and Accuracy in Table Reading for inventory Control. In: Occupational Ergonomics, 12(3), pp 119-129
Ziefle M, Brauner P, Speicher F
(2015) Ein Konzept zur Integration von Virtual Reality Anwendungen zur Verbesserung des Informationsaustauschs im Fabrikplanungsprozess. In: Gausemeier J (Ed) Augmented & Virtual Reality in der Produktentstehung vol 342
Pick S, Gebhardt S, Hentschel B et al.
(2015) Flexible Manufacturing of Double-Curved Sheet Metal Panels for the Realization of Self-Supporting Freeform Structures. In: KEM 639:41–48
Bailly D, Bambach M, Hirt G, Pofahl T, Della Puppa G, Trautz M
(2015) Hybrid Sheet Metal Processing Center. In: Tekkaya A, Homberg W, Brosius A (Eds) 60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 143–148
Bailly D, Conrads L, Hirt G
(2015) Improving geometrical accuracy for flanging by incremental sheet metal forming. In: Int J Mat Form 8(3), pp 391–399
Voswinckel H, Bambach M, Hirt G
(2015) Individualized production in die-based manufacturing processes using numerical optimization. In: Int J Adv Manuf Technol, pp 851-858
Siegbert R, Yesildag N, Frings M, Schmidt F, Elgeti S, Sauerland H, Behr M, Windeck C, Hopmann C, Queudeville Y, Vroomen U, Bührig-Polaczek A
(2015) Individualized production in die-based manufacturing processes using numerical optimization. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 80(5- 8): 851–858
Siegbert R, Yesildag N, Frings M, Schmidt F, Elgeti S, Sauerland H, Behr M, Windeck C et al.
(2015) Iterative Improvement of Process Planning Within Individual and Small Batch Production. In: IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, pp 283-290
Reuter C, Nuyken T, Schmitz S, Dany S
(2015) Kybernetische Ansätze in der Produktionstechnik. In: Jeschke S, Schmitt R, Dröge A (2015) Exploring cybernetics. Kybernetik im interdisziplinären Diskurs. (Research,Wiesbaden) Springer, pp 85–108
Brecher C, Corves B, Schmitt R, Özdemir D, Bertelsmeier F, Detert T, Herfs W, Lohse W, Müller S
(2015) Mesoscopical finite element simulation of fatigue crack propagation in WC/Co-hardmetal. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 49: 261–267
Özden UA, Mingard KP, Zivcec M, Bezold A, Broeckmann C
(2015) Model based self-optimization of the weaving process. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 9: 88–96
Gloy Y-S, Sandjaja F, Gries T
(2015) Selective laser melting of aluminum die-cast alloy—Correlations between process parameters, solidification conditions, and resulting mechanical properties. Journal of Laser Applications 27(S2): S29205
Buchbinder D, Meiners W, Wissenbach K, Poprawe R
(2015) Self-Optimizing Production Systems. In: 48th CIRP CMS, pp 417-422
Permin E, Bertelsmeier F, Blum M, Bützler J, Haag S, Kuz S, Özdemir D, Stemmler S, Thombansen U, Schmitt R, Brecher C, Schlick C, Abel D, Poprawe R, Loosen P, Schulz W, Schuh G
(2015) Traceable Measurements on Machine Tools. Thermal Influences on Machine Tool Structure and Measurement Uncertainty. In: Procedia CIRP 33, pp 576–580
Schmitt R, Peterek M
(2016) A self-optimising injection moulding process with model-based control system parameterisation. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29(11):1190–9
Hopmann C, Ressmann A, Reiter M, Stemmler S, Abel D
(2016) A self-optimising injectionmoulding process with model-based control system parameterisation. In: Int J Comp Integ M 29(11):1190–9
Hopmann C, Ressmann A, Reiter M, Stemmler S, Abel D
(2016) Analysis and Evaluation of Boundary Conditions for Direct Surface Structuring by Multi-Beam Interference. In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 11(3), pp 296-303
Steger M, Gillner A
(2016) Analytical temperature prediction for cutting steel. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 65(1):77–80
Abouridouane M, Klocke F, Döbbeler B
(2016) Approach for selfoptimising assembly of optical systems In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29; pp 1227–1237
Holters M, Gatej A, Haag S, Müller T, Loosen P, Brecher C
(2016) Closed-loop control of product properties in metal forming. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 65(2):573–96
Allwood JM, Duncan SR, Cao J, Groche P, Hirt G, Kinsey B, Kuboki T, Liewald M, Sterzing A, Tekkaya AE
(2016) Deforming fluid domains within the finite element method – Five mesh-based tracking methods in comparison, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 23(2): 323-361
Elgeti S, Sauerland H
(2016) Design of a data structure for the order processing as a basis for data analytics methods. In: 2016 PICMET, pp 2164-2169
Blum M, Schuh G
(2016) Enablers for Self-optimizing Production Systems in the Context of Industrie 4.0. In: Procedia CIRP 41, pp 93–98
Brettel M, Fischer F, Bendig G, Weber A, Wolff B
(2016) Exploring Research Networks with Data Science. A Data-Driven Microservice Architecture for Synergy Detection. In: Younas M, Awan I, El Haddad J (eds.) (2016) 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud, pp. 246–251
Thiele T, Sommer T, Stiehm S, Jeschke S, Richert A
(2016) Highspeed tensile testing of polymer materials considering force-oscillations and its origin. In: ANTEC Proceedings, pp 1788-1793
Hopmann C, Klein J
(2016) How virtual production intelligence can improve laser-cutting planning processes. In: Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering 2015/2016. Springer, pp 941–955
Reinhard R, Eppelt U, Al-Khawli T et al.
(2016) IMKS and IMMS: two methods for the production of plastic parts featuring metallic areas. In: Journal of Polymer Engineering 36(6), pp 205-214
Hopmann C, Bobzin K, Schoeldgen R, Öte M, Wunderle J, Linke T, Ochotta P
(2016) Improved molding of micro structures using PVD-coated mold inserts. In: J Pol Eng 36(6), pp 119-134
Hopmann C, Bobzin K, Brögelmann T, Schäfer C, Schöngart M, Röbig M, Naderi M
(2016) Increasing safety in human-robot collaboration by using anthropomorphic speed profiles of robot movements. In Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the Future, pp. 135-145
Petruck H, Kuz S, Mertens A, Schlick C
(2016) Life Cycle of Multi Technology Machine Tools – Modularization and Integral Design. In: Procedia CIRP 50, pp 719-726
Schmid A, Löwer M, Katzwinkel T, Schmidt W, Siebrecht J, Feldhusen J, Brecher C, du Bois-Reymond F, Rey J
(2016) Model-based Evaluation of Cooperative Assembly Processes in Human-Robot Collaboration. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp 101-112
Faber M, Kuz S, Mertens A, Schlick C
(2016) Multi-objective allocation of customized orders to production-line networks. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 65(1):429–32
Schmitt R, Ellerich M, Humphrey S
(2016) Multiphysics simulation of thermoplastic polymer crystallization. In: Materials & Design 95, pp 455-46
Spina R, Spekowius M, Hopmann C
(2016) Multiphysics simulation of thermoplastic polymer crystallization. Materials & Design 95:455–69
Spina R, Spekowius M, Hopmann C
(2016) Productivity in Science, and Team Diversity: An exploratory study. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) and the 17th COLLNET Meeting 2016
Sharma M, Dahmen K, Prahl U, Bleck W
(2016) Qualifying multi-technology machine tools for complex machining processes. In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 13, pp 1-14
Brecher C, du Bois-Reymond F, Nittinger J, Breitbach T, Do-Khac D, Fey M, Schmidt S
(2016) Semantic Information Modelling for Factory Planning Projects. Procedia CIRP 41: 478-483
Büscher C, Voet H, Krunke M et al.
(2016) Simulation of AIR Entrainment in High Pressure Die Casting Applications. In: CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing, pp 59-65
Jakumeit J, Behnken H, Schmidt F, Gänz J, Thorwald B, Mathes M
(2016) Social Media Applications for Knowledge Exchange in Organizations - Application, Motivational Features, and User Acceptance in Industrial and Scientific Settings In: Innovations in Knowledge Management: The impact of social media, semantic web and cloud computing
Calero Valdez A, Schaar A, Bender J, Aghassi S, Schuh G, Ziefle M
(2016) Study on objective functions for the slow shot phase in high-pressure die casting
Frings M, Behr M, Elgeti S
(2016) Using Liferay as an Interdisciplinary Scientific Collaboration Portal In: HCII 2016 LNCS - Social Computing & Social Media
Schuh G, Bräkling A, Calero Valdez A, Schaar A, Ziefle, M
(2016). HCI for recommender systems: the past, the present and the future. In: Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, pp. 123-126
Calero Valdez A, Ziefle M, Verbert K
Produktzentrierte Steuerung biologischer Prozesse – Biohybrides cyber-physisches System zur Konditionierung von Gefäßprothesen. atp – Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, S. 66-77, 2016
Brecher, C.; Flender, J.; Herfs, W.; Obdenbusch, M.; Wolf, F.; Schmitz-Rode, T.; Jockenhövel, S.
(2017) Alternative beam sources and machine concepts for laser powder bed fusion. In: IEEE HPD Conference, p. 7-8
Eibl F, Tenbrock C, Pichler T, Schmithüsen T, Heussen D, Schleifenbaum J
(2017) Analysis and specification of the crash behaviour of plastics/metal-hybrid composites by experimental and numerical methods. In: Production Engineering 11(2), pp 183-193
Hopmann C, Klein J, Schönfuß B, Reisgen U, Schönberger J, Schiebahn A
(2017) Augmenting research cooperation in production engineering with data analytics. In: Production Engineering 11, pp. 213–220
Thiele T, Calero Valdez A, Stiehm S, Richert A, Ziefle M, Jeschke S
(2017) Cognition-enhanced assembly sequence planning for ergonomic and productive human-robot collaboration in self-optimizing assembly cells. In: Prod Eng 11(2), pp 145-154
Faber M, Mertens A, Schlick C
(2017) Cognition-Enhanced, Self-optimizing Assembly Systems. In: Brecher, C, Özdemir D (Eds) (2017) Integrative Production Technology. Theory and Applications Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp 877–990
Schmitt R
(2017) Cooperating Robot Force Control for Positioning and Untwisting of Thin Walled Components, in Advances in Robotics & Automation
Bertelsmeier F, Detert T, Übelhör T, Schmitt R, Corves B
(2017) Cutting simulations of two gear steels with microstructure dependent material laws. In: Procedia CIRP 58, pp 549-554
Abouridouane M, Laschet G, Kripak V, Texeira A, Dierdorf J, Prahl U, Klocke F
(2017) Diversity and Innovation Management in Large Research Groups. In: International Journal of Innovation in Management 2(5), pp 49-72
Steuer L, Sharma M, Bleck W, Leicht-Scholten C
(2017) Enhanced replication ratio of injection molded plastic parts by using an innovative combination of laser-structuring and PVD coating. In: Surface Coatings Technology 332, pp 474-483
Bobzin K, Hopmann C, Gillner A, Brögelmann T, Kruppe N, Orth M, Steger M, Naderi M
(2017) Exploiting Process-Related Advantages of Selective Laser Melting for the Production of High-Manganese Steel. In: Materials 10(1): 56
Haase C, Bültmann J, Hof J, Ziegler S, Bremen S, Hinke C, Schwedt A, Prahl U, Bleck, W
(2017) Handbook of Software Solutions for ICME, Wiley VCH, Weinheim
Schmitz G, Prahl U (eds)
(2017) Improving the laser cutting process design by machine learning techniques. Production Engineering 11(2): 195–203
Tercan H, Al Khawli T, Eppelt U et al.
(2017) Industrial Internet of Things: Cybermanufacturing Systems. Springer, Cham
Jeschke S, Brecher C, Song H, Rawat DB (Eds.)
(2017) Integrative Production Technology: Theory and Applications. Springer, Cham
Brecher C, Özdemir D, (Eds.)
(2017) Knowledge discovery approach for automated process planning. Procedia CIRP, 63, pp 539-544
Schuh G, Prote J, Luckert M, Hünnekes P
(2017) Model Predictive Control for Force Control in Milling. IFAC-PapersOnLine 50, pp 15871–15876
Stemmler S, Abel D, Schwenzer M, Adams O, Klocke F
(2017) Model-based predictive force control in milling: determination of reference trajectory. Production Engineering 11, pp 107–115
Schwenzer M, Adams O, Klocke F, Stemmler S, Abel D
(2017) Modeling steel rolling processes by fluid-like differential equations. In: Applied Mathematics Modeling 43: 155-169
Bambach M, Haeck A, Herty M
(2017) Multi-Component High Pressure Die Casting (M-HPDC): Influencing Factors on the Material Temperature During the Joining of Metal-Plastic-Hybrids. In: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series, pp 855-859
Messer P, Vroomen U, Bühring-Polaczek A
(2017) Multiscale simulation to predict microstructure dependent effective elastic properties of an injection molded polypropylene component. In: Mechanics of Materials 105:123-127
Laschet G, Spekowius M, Spina R, Hopmann C
(2017) Opportunities and challenges of profile extrusion dies produced by additive manufacturing processes. In: 32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society Proceedings, pp 1-5
Bremen S, Merkt S, Wissenbach K, Hopmann C, Windeck C, Yesildag, N
(2017) Optimized state estimation by application of machine learning. In: Production Engineering 11(2), pp 133-143
Brecher C, Obdenbusch M, Buchsbaum M
(2017) Physical Vapour Deposition Hartstoffbeschichtungen für die Verarbeitung von Polymethylmethacrylat. In: Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik 2017, Band 73, ISBN 978-3-87480-345-8, S. 116-127
Bobzin K, Brögelmann T, Kruppe N, Naderi M
(2017) Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2017)
Mason P, Fisher C, Glamm R, Manuel M, Schmitz G, Singh A, Strachan A (Eds.)
(2017) Quantifying interdisciplinarity in complex research networks: development of a questionnaire to measure critical incidents. In: Gómez Chova L, López Martínez A, Candel Torres I (eds.) (2017) International Technology, Education and Development Conference, pp 3785–3791
Müller S, Stiehm S, Jeschke S, Richert A
(2017) Scenario for Data Exchange at the Microstructure Scale, In: Integr Mater Manuf Innov, pp 127-133
Schmitz G, Farivar H, Prahl U
(2017) The diversity of why. A meta-analytical study of usage motivation in enterprise social networks. In: Journal of the Universal Access in the Information Society, pp 1-18
Calero Valdez A, Brell J, Schaar A, Ziefle M
(2017) The link between operational leanness and credit ratings. In: Journal of Operations Management 52, pp 46–55
Bendig D, Strese S, Brettel M
(2017) Towards a Data-oriented Optimization of Manufacturing Processes - A Real-Time Architecture for the Order Processing as a Basis for Data Analytics Methods. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pp 257-264
Blum M, Schuh G
(2017) Transfer of Wire Arc- Sprayed Metal Coatings onto Plastic Parts. In: J Therm Spray Technol 27 (1-2), pp 119-134
Bobzin K, Öte M, Knoch A, Liao X, Hopmann C, Ochotta P
(2017): Kostenmodell für das Laserstrahlschmelzen: Kosten- und Leistungskennwerte für die additive Fertigung ermitteln und analysieren. In: wt Werkstatt online 107(6): 432-435
Schleifenbaum J, Pichler T, Hoppe B
(2018) Design framework for model-based self-optimizing manufacturing systems. In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Thombansen U, Buchholz G, Frank D, Heinisch J, Kemper M, Pullen T, Reimer V, Rotshteyn G, Schwenzer M, Stemmler S, Abel D, Gries T, Hopmann C, Klocke F, Poprawe R, Reisgen U, Schmitt R
Automatisierte Produktion biohybrider Implantate - Interpretation und Ausführung digitaler semantischer Prozessbeschreibungen auf einer Produktionsanlage. GIT – Labor-Fachzeitschrift, Biologische Produktion, S. 31-33, 2018
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