The emergence of cognitive vowel systems from articulatory-acoustic and perceptual vowel spaces.
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Experimentelle Linguistik, Typologie, Außereuropäische Sprachen
Förderung von 2006 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 25024090
The general goal of the proposed project is to answer the question how cognitive (phonological) vowel systems emerge ¿ and evolve ¿ on the basis of the physiologically given human capabilities and restrictions for articulatory speech production and auditory speech perception. During the first application period we will perform a thorough acoustic analysis and perceptual evaluation of the vocalic contrast in German that is described as length opposition, tense-lax contrast or difference in syllable cut in different phonological theories. This will be done by comparing different standard varieties of German and analyzing ongoing changes within their vowel systems as well as by investigating the influence of prosodic factors. This procedure aims at proposing a phonetically grounded set of features suited to explicate known phonological/phonotactic restrictions of German without running into the problems of the competing actual phonological models (with respect to e.g. length neutralization in unstressed syllables, lacking quality differences in [!] vs [! ], neutralization of short vs <ä> etc.).