Ob-Ugric database: analysed text corpora and dictionaries for less described Ob-Ugric dialects

Applicant Professorin Dr. Elena Skribnik
Subject Area Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
General and Comparative Linguistics, Experimental Linguistics, Typology, Non-European Languages
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 249781179

Project Description

The goal of this joint project of the Universities of Munich and Vienna (DFG-FWF) is to compile comprehensive databases of not yet described and less described dialects of two related Ob-Ugric (< Ugric < Finno-Ugric) languages Khanty (Ostyak) and Mansi (Vogul), both endangered. The dialectal modules planned are Western Mansi, extinct, and Yugan Khanty; they will enrich the already existing resources on Ob-Ugric languages created within the framework of the ESF EuroBABEL project (containing materials on Kazym Khanty and Surgut Khanty as well as Northern Mansi and partly Eastern Mansi). The modules will include all existing published texts of the extinct dialect as well as texts and fieldwork materials for Yugan Khanty. As the texts are published in different transcriptions, the first step will be their phonological analysis and transliteration into the IPA. The text corpus will be translated into English, for Yugan Khanty also in German, fully glossed (in FLEx), so that dictionaries of lexemes and morphemes for each dialect will be compiled with a concordance function; the text corpus will be additionally provided with syntactic annotations. On the base of allomorphic analysis, paradigms and position slot models for parts of speech will be compiled, resulting in grammatical descriptions that were absent up to now. For Yugan Khanty phonetic analysis will be done on the basis of fieldwork recordings (audio and video, phonetic tagging with ELAN). Compiling bilingual dictionaries for these two dialects will also enlarge the base of the Ob-Ugric onomaseological dictionary; for etymological information lexicon entries will be linked with the Uralonet database. An additional goal is sharing the analysed data with The Language Archive of the Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen/The Netherlands).
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Austria, Hungary, Russia
Partner Organisation Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)
Participating Persons Professorin Dr. Marianne Bakró-Nagy; Professorin Dr. Márta Csepregi; Privatdozent Dr. Christoph Draxler; Privatdozent Dr. Sebastian Drude; Dr. Christian Riepl; Professor Dr. Timothy Riese; Professor Dr. Hinrich Schütze; Dr. Valentina Solovar