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Polarimetric Ultra-Wideband MiMo-Radar for IED-Detection and High-Resolution Imaging Acronym: MEDICI-POLARIs

Subject Area Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Term from 2014 to 2023
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 249700234

Final Report Abstract

Building on the predecessor project MEDICI, various research aspects were derived to make radar-based landmine detection more efficient and safer. The research approaches derived from this and implemented in the project MEDICI-Polaris include the development and expansion of a new code radar system with a novel antenna concept. The fully polarimetric radar demonstrator created within the project exhibits a wider bandwidth, improved transient transmission behavior, and higher measurement dynamics. Regarding the investigated radar imaging, new and improved backprojection algorithms were researched, capable of considering uneven interfaces and compensating for shortening effects caused by measurements within the ground. The developed algorithms are adaptive and self-regulating, ensuring that the output radar image always has the highest resolution. However, for these developed algorithms to be executed efficiently and correctly, a good initial estimation of the soil permittivity is required. To meet this requirement, in the third part of the project, a timedomain sensor based on dielectric waveguides was explored, enabling a simple yet highly precise measurement of permittivity. The explored sensor is simply inserted into the medium under investigation. Using orthogonal propagation modes and an integrated transpolarization reflector, a Time-Domain Transmissometry (TDT) sensor was researched, which, due to its pseudo-transmission properties, requires no a priori information about the insertion depth during data evaluation. All of the project achievements that were attained advance the state of the art in general, and demining technology in particular. Future research initiatives will make use of the project outcomes. Additionally, the obtained results can be adapted to other fields of research and cross-fertilize investigations in the field material characterization and radar imaging or even medical diagnostics. Because partners from Universidad Nacional de Colombia actively participated in the project, it is important to note that MEDICI-POLARIS was carried out as an international project. Consequently, it increased the universities' international contacts and allowed students to undertake part of their theses abroad on global research issues, which is highly gratifying in addition to the pure research work.


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