Project Details
Interaktive 3D Visualisierung mit glatten Splines auf Tetraederpartitionen
Professor Dr.-Ing. Dieter W. Fellner
Subject Area
Image and Language Processing, Computer Graphics and Visualisation, Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing
from 2006 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24941165
Final Report Year
No abstract available
GPU- accelerated 2D point cloud visualization using smooth splines for visual analytics applications. In Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, pages 111–125, 2008
Thomas Kalbe, Tatiana Tekusova, Tobias Schreck, and Frank Zeilfelder
Hardware-accelerated, high-quality rendering based on trivariate splines approximating volume data. Computer Graphics Forum, special issue Proceedings Eurographics, 27(2):331–340, 2008
Thomas Kalbe and Frank Zeilfelder
A new projection method for point set surfaces. In Eurographics 2009 - Annex: Tutorials, State of the Art Reports, Short Papers, Medical Prize, Education Papers, Areas Papers, EG Workshop on Natural Phenomena, pages 77–80, 2009
Thomas Kalbe, Simon Fuhrmann, Stefan Uhrig, Frank Zeilfelder, and Arjan Kuijper
High quality rendering of varying isosurfaces. CUDA Community Showcase, 2009
Thomas Kalbe, Thomas Koch, and Michael Goesele
High-quality rendering of interactively varying isosurfaces with cubic trivariate C 1 -splines. High Performance Graphics (HPG), New Orleans, USA, 2009
Thomas Kalbe, Thomas Koch, and Michael Goesele
High-quality rendering of varying isosurfaces with cubic trivariate C 1 -continuous splines. In Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Las Vegas, USA, pages 596–607, 2009
Thomas Kalbe, Thomas Koch, and Michael Goesele
Quasi-interpolation by quadratic C 1 -splines on truncated octahedral partitions. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 26(8):825–841, 2009
Markus Rhein and Thomas Kalbe
Direct resampling for isotropic surface remeshing. In Proceedings Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV), 2010
Simon Fuhrmann, Jens Ackermann, Thomas Kalbe, and Michael Goesele
Interactive isosurfaces with quadratic C 1 -splines on truncated octahedral partitions. In Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA), 2011
Alexander Marinc, Thomas Kalbe, Markus Rhein, and Michael Goesele