Magnesium sheet alloys are in a worldwide spotlight of industrial interest with a view towards enhanced lightweight applications. However, there is a need for alloys with improved roll-ability and sheet formability. The objective of this project is to develop new magnesium alloys based on a better understanding of the influence of crystallographic texture and alloying elements on formability. While typical magnesium wrought alloys exhibit strong basal textures with only slight variations between them, it has recently been reported that alloys containing rare earth elements and/or yttrium can develop a more random type texture. Such a texture could improve formability as well as reduce the anisotropy of mechanical properties. The texture modification has been associated with changes in the recrystallization mechanisms, but a more specific connection between alloying additions and mechanistic changes is required to develop an effective alloy design strategy. There will be a strong experimental focus in this project accompanied by crystal plasticity modelling of the influence of texture on the formability and thermodynamic modelling of phase stability in the partner project. This integrated experimental/modelling approach to alloy development will yield magnesium sheet alloys with designed properties.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection