EXC 153:
Origin and Structure of the Universe - The Cluster of Excellence for Fundamental Physics
Subject Area
Particles, Nuclei and Fields
Astrophysics and Astronomy
from 2006 to 2018
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 24799710
The cluster of excellence in which astrophysicists, particle physicists and nuclear physicists work together to address some of the deepest unsolved questions of modern science: the innermost structure of matter, space and time; the nature of the fundamental forces; and the form and content of the universe. The cluster is established in Munich/Garching, one of the largest and most dynamic centres in the world for research in fundamental physics and astrophysics. Cluster scientists participate in many of the large international collaborations that are deploying the new generation of global facilities for astro- and particle-physics (telescopes, accelerators and supercomputers) to unveil the hidden physical properties of the cosmos.
Work within the cluster use nuclear and designed particle physics experiments, astronomical observations, large-scale numerical simulation and theoretical modelling to investigate fundamental key questions connecting the smallest scales in physics with the largest scales in the cosmos. Studies of the properties of matter and of forces at extremely high energies and at extremely short distances provide insight into the origin and unification of the four fundamental forces of nature. These in turn regulate the early evolution of the universe. The excess of matter over antimatter in the universe is puzzling within the standard model of particle physics. The cluster therefore searches for signals of supersymmetry, which currently is the best motivated candidate for an extension of the standard model. The nature of dark matter that dominates the mass of the universe is studied both through direct detection experiments and through astronomical observations. The latter is also used to explore the nature of the dark energy, which drives the recently discovered acceleration of the cosmic expansion. On a more fundamental level, cluster scientists use a new theory of quantum gravity to explore possible connections of dark energy to the question of the origin of the masses of elementary particles and to the structure of space and time. The origin of massive black holes is studied as well as the origin of heavy elements from which the earth and all life were formed.
Ten new junior research groups are established and housed in a dedicated office building that is the heart of the cluster. This science centre also hosts the cluster administration and visiting scientists chosen from among our pool of strategic partners and other international collaborators.
The cluster provides a unique opportunity for outstanding young researchers to build a career in some of the most promising, exciting and interdisciplinary areas of current fundamental science.
DFG Programme
Clusters of Excellence